NATCA Bookshelf

CFS Book 2022_FINAL-2

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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14 COMMUNICATING FOR SAFETY Q 2022 Spotlight: NATCA Awards NATCA plans to present several awards at CFS, including at the annual awards luncheon on Tuesday, Sept. 13, in the main conference room. Aviation safety professionals from around the National Airspace System (NAS) will be honored with these awards: NATCA EXCELLENCE IN TRAINING AWARD NATCA created the Excellence in Training Award in 2019 and it was first presented at Communicating For Safety 2019, where the "Every Day is a Training Day" initiative was featured. The award highlights NATCA's daily commitment to training and learning. NATCA NATIONAL PROFESSIONALISM AWARD The goal of NATCA's Professional Standards program is to maintain and promote professionalism across all of NATCA's bargaining units. NATCA members achieve that through a commitment to safety and through upholding the public's trust. They work to inspire, to motivate, to provide personal examples of our professionalism to others, and to maintain the highest standard of excellence. They know their actions represent all of their fellow professionals, and we work to bring honor and respect to all that they do. The NATCA National Professional Standards Committee (PSC) created the "NATCA National Professionalism Award" as a means to recognize the actions of those who continually strive to achieve these goals. STEVE HANSEN SAFETY ADVOCATE AWARD Named for the former Chairman of the NATCA National Safety Committee, the Steve Hansen Safety Advocate Award is presented to a NATCA member who has made extraordinary achievements and has worked tirelessly on NATCA's behalf to be a leader in furthering the cause of aviation safety. While each winner has contributed their skills, dedication, and work ethic in different ways, with varying areas of expertise, there is one thing that ties them all together: they are all passionate about safety and aviation. This award was first presented in 2011. JAMES L. OBERSTAR SENTINEL OF SAFETY AWARD NATCA created the Sentinel of Safety Award as a way to honor aviation leaders outside NATCA who have displayed outstanding achievement in the advancement of aviation safety. On Oct. 2, 2014, at its Biennial Convention in Minneapolis, NATCA proudly renamed the award to honor Congressman Jim Oberstar, who was a tireless advocate for aviation, air traffic control, and NATCA during his tenure in Congress and as the Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Congressman Oberstar died on May 3, 2014, just a few weeks before NATCA in Washington, the event he supported and attended for many years, and at which in 2005 he was awarded the first Sentinel of Safety Award. Air Traffic Control Meteorological Services Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting CNS Maintenance & Installation Ground & Passenger Handling Digital Tower Operations Facilities Management Training & Simulation

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