NATCA Bookshelf

2023 NATCA Constitution

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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S T A N D I N G R U L E S N A T I O N A L C O N S T I T U T I O N 14 standing rules/policy and position statements that are no longer applicable to the policy of NATCA. Section 6. Amendments and ratifications to local constitutions shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this Article: a. All proposed amendments to a local constitution shall be submitted to the local executive board at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting during which they will be discussed and voted upon; and b. All proposed amendments shall be posted at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the meeting during which they will be discussed and voted upon; and c. Adoption of proposed amendments to the Local Constitution shall require at least two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the members present at the meeting or as defined by the Local Constitution. Proposed amendments to local constitutions shall be heard at the next general membership meeting, or the next appropriate meeting for amendments as designated by the Local Constitution. Proposed amendments to local constitutions shall be heard at least once annually. Interpretations to local constitutions shall be made by the Local President. Any challenges to interpretations of local constitutions shall be accomplished utilizing the provisions of Section 4 above. Article XV: Seniority Section 1. The following shall be used to determine seniority for the National Air Traffic Controllers Association: a. Cumulative NATCA Bargaining Unit Time; b. First Tie Breaker: NATCA Bargaining Unit Time; c. Second Tie Breaker: EOD/FAA; d. Third Tie Breaker: SCD; e. Fourth Tie Breaker: Lottery. The lottery shall be determined at the local level. For the purpose of facility release policies, seniority will be determined by facility time only as a bargaining unit member at that present facility. Cumulative NATCA Bargaining Unit Time is derived by totaling all time together spent in each of the NATCA bargaining units. NATCA Bargaining Unit Time is defined as the total time in a given bargaining unit represented by NATCA and as defined by the petition for representation of that unit. Section 2. Re-employed annuitant NATCA bargaining unit employees shall have their initial seniority dates adjusted to reflect the date they rehire into any FAA NATCA bargaining unit. Section 3. Any bargaining unit member who accepted a supervisor/management position after September 12, 2008 and returns to the bargaining unit will have their cumulative seniority date set to the day they return. Section 4. For bargaining unit members in other than the ATCS/TMC/NOTAM/FSS bargaining units, following the conclusion of a temporary promotion or detail outside the bargaining unit, the employee's previous Union determined seniority will be reinstated as though the employee had never left the bargaining unit position previously assigned without accruing seniority for the duration of the temporary promotion or detail.

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