NATCA Bookshelf

2023 NATCA Constitution

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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S T A N D I N G R U L E S 24 National Safety Chair, Director of Labor Relations, etc.) Term Length for National Liaisons and Full-Time Technical Representatives: National liaisons and full-time technical representatives will be asked to serve a term of two years, unless extensions are approved by a three-fourths vote of the National Executive Board. Term Lengths for Work Group Members and Part-Time Technical Representatives: Technical representatives and part- time work group members will be asked to serve until such time as the respective project/team/work group they serve on has completed its work. Any national liaison/technical representative/work group member who is unable or unwilling to complete their term will be asked to provide at least a 120-day notification to the President of the national liaison/technical representative/work group member's intentions. The National President may remove an appointed liaison/technical representative for such cause as will promote the efficiency of our Union. In these cases, a majority vote of the NEB is necessary to confirm the removal and a replacement will be found as soon as possible. Liaisons and full-time technical representatives will provide regular written updates to NATCA National. SRH-3 Information Technology Committee (2/99, 9/08) The mission of the Information Technology (IT) Committee is to provide quality information technology services and to offer assistance and leadership in IT matters for the organization. The Information Technology Committee is empowered to develop, implement and administer the IT environment with direction from the National Executive Board. The Information Technology Committee will consist of two Regional Vice Presidents (as determined by the National Executive Board), two representatives of the National Office staff, and at least five NATCA members (selected by the National Executive Board after soliciting based on recommendations from the Information Technology Committee). SRH-4 Deleted (12/21) SRH-5 OWCP Committee (4/00) A national Office of Workers Compensation Committee is established and funded by the National Executive Board to establish a network of specialized representatives. The committee shall be comprised of one (1) active member in good standing from each region and shall be chaired by the member appointed by the National Executive Board as the National OWCP Representative. SRH-6 Deleted (3/12) SRH-7 NATCA Historical Committee (9/08, 9/10, 6/23) The NATCA Historical Committee is established to catalogue, document, and archive the official history of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association. The Committee shall be comprised of at least one RNAV member, one active member in good standing from Region X, and one active member in good standing of the Air Traffic bargaining unit. SRH-8 OSHA Representation (10/97, 4/00, 3/12) In the event of environmental problems or concerns, NATCA locals are directed to contact their NATCA OSHA Representative, in conjunction with their Regional Vice President, prior to any consultation with outside environmental contractors. Only the NATCA National Executive Board has the authority to authorize and engage the services of any outside environmental contractor or specialist paid for out of NATCA National funds. SRH-9 IFATCA & Meeting Reports (4/97, 4/00, 6/23) NATCA will pay for travel expenses for any member who serves as a standing committee member or elected official of IFATCA. NATCA will compensate up to five days of LWOP per calendar year to attend meetings in an official capacity (unless otherwise approved by the National Executive Board). Any member who serves as a standing committee member, chairperson, or elected official of IFATCA shall submit a written report to the NEB outlining proposals, decisions, or potential issues within the scope of their particular positions. These reports will be submitted with receipts for travel or requests for reimbursement for LWOP. Reports will be prepared whenever a NATCA representative attends an IFATCA meeting, and will publish within 30 days of the close of the event.

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