NATCA Bookshelf

2023 NATCA Constitution

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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S T A N D I N G R U L E S 25 SRH-10 Committee Meetings (9/08) All Committee Chairs shall provide justification to and receive approval from the Executive Vice President prior to scheduling any committee meeting outside of the NATCA National Office. SRH-11 Deleted (10/14) SRH-12 Deleted (9/16) SRH-13 Removal of Committee Members (9/10) The National Executive Board may remove a committee member and/or chair for cause or to protect the interests of the Union. SRH-14 Collective Bargaining Agreement Unit Representatives (10/14) Unless otherwise provided for in the National Constitution, Standing Rules, or Policy & Position Statements, any appointment to serve in a representative position as recognized by Collective Bargaining Agreements shall require the approval of the National Executive Board. The National President may remove a representative for cause or to protect the interest of the Union. In such case, a majority vote of the NEB is necessary to confirm the removal and a replacement will be found as soon as possible. SRH-15 Conflicts of Interest for Nationally Appointed NATCA Representatives, Committee Chairpersons, and National Executive Board (9/16) 1. Any NATCA member serving as (a) a nationally-appointed representative under any article of any NATCA- negotiated agreement, or (b) a chairperson of a NATCA committee, or (c) a member of the NATCA National Executive Board shall sign an Agreement pledging to prevent a conflict of interest by refraining from seeking or accepting employment with an aviation industry organization with which that member interacts on behalf of NATCA (including, but not limited to, aviation-related corporations, nonprofit associations, and policy groups) for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months from the immediate conclusion of their NATCA position. 2. The Agreement provided for in Section 1 shall include remedial provisions for violations of the Agreement requiring repayment of any funds, as determined by NATCA, paid and/or reimbursed by NATCA for travel, lodging, meals, and other related expenses during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the conclusion of their NATCA position. Members shall have sixty (60) days from the date on which the National Office sends notice, via overnight delivery service or certified mail to the member's home address (as maintained in the NATCA membership database), of the specific amount(s) due as repayment to NATCA to submit such payment to the National Office. Members who fail to repay NATCA in accord with the provisions of this policy shall be referred to the NATCA General Counsel for any and all appropriate legal actions necessary by the organization to recover the amounts due and all other appropriate relief, including, where applicable, the recovery of related attorney fees and legal costs. 3. NATCA shall establish a committee consisting of the NATCA President or Executive Vice President, a Regional Vice President appointed by the National Executive Board, and the NATCA General Counsel to consider any appeals to application of this policy on an individual basis. No member of the committee may consider an appeal that the committee member submitted on their own behalf. The committee shall consider the position held by the affected NATCA member, the aviation community organizations with which that NATCA member interacted while representing the interests of NATCA, and the nature of any post-NATCA employment with an aviation community organization that NATCA member or employee may be considering. SRH-16 Standing Committee Contact Information (12/21) The National Office shall publish the names and email addresses of all standing committee members on the members- only section of the NATCA web site. SRH-17 Professional Standards (PS) Committee (12/21) The NATCA Professional Standards Committee will strive to provide a peer-to-peer program for all represented bargaining units to promote professionalism and address performance and/or conduct, through a voluntary, non-punitive program. NATCA will seek to ensure that maintaining the collaboratively supported peer-to-peer Professional Standards Program remains a priority. NATCA supports expanding professionalism programs whenever appropriate.

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