NATCA Bookshelf

2023 NATCA Constitution

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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S T A N D I N G R U L E S 26 SECTION I: INTERNAL BUSINESS SRI-1 Alternate Regional Vice Presidents – Official Time Allocation (6/98, 9/10, 4/18) Official time allotments for Alternate Regional Vice Presidents contained in Collective Bargaining Agreements shall be proportioned by the National Executive Board. SRI-2 Contractual Authority (4/94) No individual shall have the authority to enter into financial agreements which are binding upon the National Union without the express written approval of the President. SRI-3 Deleted (9/10) SRI-4 Deleted (3/12) SRI-5 NEB Meeting Attendance by Members (12/90, 6/23) A period of not less than one hour will be reserved within the agenda of National Executive Board meetings, during which time any member in good standing may address the Board. Such members may address the Board on any topic in order to give an opinion and/or solicit information. Such members will be limited to five minutes, unless time is extended by the Chair. If more than twelve members wish to speak, the Chair may, at the option of the Chair, allow additional time, allocate specific time to certain topics of common interest, or devise another equitable method to accommodate the members. Scheduling of the member forum period will be as close to mid-day as practicable so as to allow for round-trip travel. Any members desiring to address the National Executive Board shall inform the National Office at least 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting. At the time notice is given to the National Office, a number indicating the sequence in which the member is to speak will be provided. The topic of the address may be requested if the number of those requesting to speak exceeds 12. Members are expected to promptly notify the National Office if they cannot attend as requested. Members are entitled, as per Article VI Section 1. of the NATCA Constitution, "…to freely speak on any issue affecting the Association." However, any grievance concerning the actions of the Association or its officers shall be processed in accordance with Article XIII, Internal Grievances. This does not in any way inhibit a member from using this forum for soliciting information to determine if an internal grievance is or is not warranted. SRI-6 Minutes of Meetings (6/90, 4/06, 12/21) The National Executive Board and all National committees shall publish minutes, including a record of how each member of the Committee or Board voted (in other than unanimous decisions). A copy of the published minutes and voting record shall be prepared as soon as practicable and then posted on the members-only section of the NATCA web site. There is not an expectation that an informal telcon or briefing requires minutes. SRI-7 Legal Defense Fund (9/08) A legal fund shall be established for the purpose of collection of money and distribution of proceeds such that NATCA members, for whom NATCA is not directly responsible for their defense, may defend themselves from legal action. The fund shall be administered by NATCA's Executive Board (NEB). SRI-8 Distribution of Agreements (9/10) All negotiated term agreements sent to the affected membership for ratification shall include all elements of the agreement including those that may not be subject to ratification. This would include but not be limited to all contract articles, provisions, memoranda of understanding, memoranda of agreement, side bar agreements, and/or pay provisions whether they are agreed to by the parties, a result of an impasse procedure or the outcome of binding arbitration. SRI-9 Official Management Development Programs (3/12, 6/23) In the event any bargaining unit member applies for or is selected for an official management development program (e.g. ATLDP, PEL, etc.), they shall immediately vacate any presently held elected/appointed Union position. They shall not be eligible to run for or hold office, or be appointed to any position within the Union for a period of twelve (12) months after their application or completion/termination of an above-mentioned program whichever occurs later.

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