NATCA Bookshelf

2023 NATCA Constitution

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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P O L I C Y & P O S I T I O N S T A T E M E N T S 35 35 be considered. c. Protection of membership pay and benefits including, but not limited to, retirement and health care. d. NATCA must be included as a voting member of any governing board or body. e. Indemnification for employees from individual tort liability for acts within the scope of employment. PSA-6 Private Health Care Options for Mental Wellness and Health Treatments (6/23) Within 180 days of the closing of the 2023 NATCA Convention, NATCA shall propose a collaborative workgroup (CWG) with the FAA to review and reform mental health and medical thresholds applied to Aviation Medicals granted to air traffic control specialists. This CWG should include, but not be limited to, members from NATCA, the FAA, and FAA Medical/Flight Surgeons' offices. The intent and scope of the workgroup shall include developing collaborative processes for employees to utilize their own private health care to receive mental wellness and mental health treatment. SECTION B: MEMBER BENEFITS & RETIREMENT PSB-1 Benefits for Dues Paying Members (4/06) It is a priority for NATCA to provide meaningful members-only benefits. PSB-2 Deleted (10/14) SECTION C: CONTRACTING PSC-1 Facility Consolidations (1/00, 9/10, 9/16) Protecting and ensuring the overall safety and efficiency of the National Airspace System should be in the forefront of any realignment of air traffic control facilities or services (including regional offices). The terms "realignment" and "consolidation" include any action that relocates functions, services, or personnel positions; discontinues or severs existing facility functions or services; or combines them. Each facility, sectored airspace and regional office is unique. Therefore, the only way to determine if the realignment of an air traffic control facility or services is necessary and appropriate is through the development of a comprehensive process with clearly outlined criteria and participants. That process was created through collaboration under Public Law 112-95 Section 804, now known as "Section 804." NATCA will be involved in the development of all criteria, discussions, decisions, and briefings to Congress whereby we must assist the Agency to: a. Support the transition to the Next Generation Air Transportation System. b. Reduce capital, operating, maintenance, and administrative costs of the FAA where such cost reductions can be implemented without adversely affecting safety. That process must include or provide for: a. Controllers, representatives of labor organizations representing operations and maintenance employees of the air traffic control system, as well as industry stakeholders, from inception to implementation. b. The process must be clearly explained to all parties and members of each facility shall have a right to inform the process during all phases. c. Sustaining the overall efficiencies of the NAS shall be at the forefront of the process with every effort made toward helping to reduce capital, operating, maintenance and administrative costs of the FAA where such cost reductions can be implemented without adversely affecting safety. d. Cost never trumps safety and efficiency or the quality and level of services provided to users. e. The lives of employees and their families are a major consideration throughout the process. f. A collaboratively agreed upon process for existing and future facilities will be agreed upon Nationally. NATCA supports realignments and advances to the National Airspace System only where the above criteria are met and if it can be done without compromising safety. PSC-2 Contracting Facilities (4/06, 10/14) The National Office shall spare no reasonable expense in the protection, continuation, and growth of all bargaining unit positions, and shall offer all lawful resistance to out-sourcing or contracting out. In the event of imminent or impending reform or restructuring of the Air Traffic Organization, including privatization, the National Executive Board shall spare no reasonable expense to protect every interest of the Union including, but not limited to: pay, benefits, and working conditions.

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