NATCA Bookshelf

2023 NATCA Constitution

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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N A T I O N A L C O N S T I T U T I O N 7 Section 6. The Regional Vice Presidents, subject to the discretion of the President, shall administer the affairs of their respective Regions, and shall implement all policies established by this Constitution and the National Executive Board. They shall provide guidance and assistance to locals and local officers in their respective areas. The National Executive Board makes the determination of which bargaining units are part of Region X. Section 7. In the event the Executive Vice President or a Regional Vice President is unable to complete their term as designated by the Constitution, or if the position is vacated for any reason prior to the term's expiration as defined by the Constitution, the President shall appoint, subject to approval of the National Executive Board, an active member in good standing to fulfill that office for the balance of the term as defined by our Constitution until the next regularly-scheduled election pursuant to Article VII; such person shall possess all the rights, powers, privileges, duties and responsibilities vested with the office as if they had been elected to the position. Section 8. The National Executive Board shall have at least two regularly scheduled meetings every year at such times and places as shall be designated by the President. Advance notice of the meetings shall be published at least 30 days prior to the meeting unless the meeting is an emergency meeting. A copy of the minutes of all meetings shall be prepared as soon as practicable and then posted on the members-only section of the NATCA web site. A quorum of the Executive Board shall be at least two-thirds of its members. The National Executive Board may conduct business via teleconferences, provided these meet the minutes criteria of regularly scheduled meetings, but teleconferences do not satisfy the requirements of regularly scheduled meetings. Article V: National Standing Committees Section 1. There shall be maintained at all times a Constitution Committee, Finance Committee, Organizing Committee, Safety Committee, and a Legislative Committee. The Constitution, Finance, and Legislative Committees shall be composed of one (1) active member in good standing from each Region. The President shall be a non-voting ex officio member of the Constitution, Safety, and Legislative Committees. The Executive Vice President shall be a non-voting ex officio member of the Finance and Organizing Committees. Section 2. There shall be maintained a charter for each Standing Committee. This charter will clearly delineate the roles and responsibilities for each Standing Committee. Section 3. Charters for all NATCA Committees (including non-standing committees) shall require majority approval of the National Executive Board and shall be maintained by the respective committee chair. Charters for all NATCA Committees shall be kept on file at the National Office and available to the membership through online resources. Section 4. All meetings of any NATCA standing committee are open to any member in good standing. Section 5. National committee members (including members of non-standing committees) may attend meetings electronically. Procedures for conducting electronic meetings shall be established by each committee. Electronic meetings shall not satisfy the requirements for regular meetings as required within respective committee charters. Section 6. The Organizing Committee shall be comprised of NATCA members and staff as appointed by the National Executive Board. The NEB shall appoint one of the Committee members as Chairperson. The representative makeup of the Committee shall be reviewed annually to ensure its alignment with current organizing goals and strategies. Section 7. The Safety Committee shall be composed of active members in good standing selected for positions of expertise in the following areas: • Air Safety Investigation Committee Chair • Service Area Safety Representative Lead • Runway Safety Representative • Aircraft Certification Representative • Region X Representative • Voluntary Safety Reporting Representative • Pilot/Controller Liaison • Human Performance Representative • SMS Representative Ad Hoc members may be appointed by the President and confirmed by the National Executive Board. Vacancy will be advertised to all active members and selection(s) will be made by the NATCA President and confirmed by the National Executive Board. When there is a vacancy on the National Safety Committee that leaves a region unrepresented, a representative from that region shall be given priority during the selection process. Section 8. The National Finance Committee shall review the financial reports and annual budget, as submitted by the Executive Vice President, and make recommendations for change as necessary. The annual budget requires approval by a majority vote of the Finance Committee and a majority vote of the Vice

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