NATCA Bookshelf

2023 NATCA Constitution

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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N A T I O N A L C O N S T I T U T I O N 10 A Special Convention may be called by the President upon sixty (60) days' notice to the membership. Section 2. Only delegates or their alternates may conduct the business of the Convention. Any member in good standing may attend the Convention and speak on any issue. Section 3. Delegates and any alternates must be active members in good standing of the Association and of their respective Locals. No paid employee of any Local or of the Association, other than duly elected officials, shall be a delegate. Section 4. Delegates and any alternates shall be determined by procedures set forth in each Local's constitution and bylaws. The Local is not required to conduct a mail ballot for convention delegates unless specifically required in their local constitution. Section 5. Each Local shall be entitled to the delegates as listed below: Member Count Entitled Delegate(s) 1 to 149 members 1 150 to 199 members 2 200 to 249 members 3 250 to 299 members 4 300 to 349 members 5 350 to 399 members 6 400 to 449 members 7 450 to 499 members 8 500 to 549 members 9 550 or more members 10 The number of active members in good standing of a Local thirty (30) days in advance of the opening of the Convention, divided by the number of properly registered and credentialed delegates representing the Local at the time of the vote, shall be the number of votes a delegate is entitled to cast. Section 6. At least fifteen (15) months prior to any scheduled Convention, the President shall ensure the establishment of a Convention Committee, which shall be comprised of NATCA staff and other designees as appointed by the President and approved by the National Executive Board. At a minimum, appointments shall include two members from the hosting Local(s) or designated Region and the Regional Vice President from the hosting region. This committee will forward all plans and provisions to the National Executive Board for approval. At least fifteen (15) months prior to any scheduled Convention, the President shall appoint a Credentials Committee Chairperson for each National Convention. At least three (3) months prior to any scheduled Convention, the President shall ensure the establishment of a Credentials Committee. The Credentials Committee shall be composed of at least six (6) active members in good standing, among whom no two (2) members may be from the same NATCA Region. Prior to the start of the Convention, the Credentials Committee shall meet and issue a report listing the names of all eligible delegates and their alternates and the number of votes that each delegate is entitled to cast. The Constitution Committee shall be the Rules Committee for each National Convention. Other committees shall be established as deemed necessary by the President or by the voting delegates at the National Convention. Section 7. Resolutions approved by the National Convention shall form the Standing Rules and Policy/Position Statements of the Association. All Standing Rules and Policy/Position Statements enacted by the National Executive Board shall be published 60 days prior to the National Convention, and be presented to the National Convention for approval or disapproval. Standing Rules and Policy/Position Statements presented by the National Executive Board that are approved by the National Convention shall become Standing Rules or Policies/Position Statements of the Association. Standing Rules are those resolutions passed by the Convention Body that apply to the day-to-day internal operations of the Association. Policies are a means for Convention delegates to provide specific direction to the National Executive Board or National Office that are exclusive of the day-to-day internal operations of the Association. Position Statements are resolutions that do not give specific direction for action. The National Executive Board shall report to the membership at least 60 days prior to the next Convention the actions taken by the National Executive Board to comply with the provisions of duly passed Policies/Position Statements and recommend actions to be taken by the delegates. All Standing Rules and Policy/Position Statements enacted by the National Executive Board such that they cannot, due to time constraints, be included in the above notification to the membership, shall be published and disseminated to the delegates on the first day of the Convention to be included in the presentation for approval or disapproval.

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