NATCA Bookshelf

2023 NATCA Constitution

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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N A T I O N A L C O N S T I T U T I O N 12 be open to all officers and members of the local. The panel shall ratify or reject the imposition of trusteeship and advise the local within thirty (30) days of the conclusion of the hearing. Section 3. A trustee selected by the National Executive Board shall assume immediate control and authority of any Local placed in trusteeship, and shall have full authority over the officers and property thereof. The trustee shall continue to act in such capacity for the duration of the trusteeship. Section 4. Upon petition filed with the National Executive Board, no earlier than six (6) months after imposition of the trusteeship, any active member in good standing of the Local may request termination of the trusteeship. The National Executive Board, acting on such petition, or at any time on its own motion, may terminate the trusteeship and restore self- government to the Local. Article XII: Impeachment Section 1. A National Officer may be impeached for serious misconduct in office only in accordance with this Article. Section 2. Any active member may prefer charges of serious misconduct against a National Officer. Such charges shall be in writing, signed by the accusing member and accompanied by a statement containing the specific facts supporting the charges. The statement shall include the date, place and time of the alleged misconduct, the names of all persons involved, and reference to specific article(s) and of this Constitution which allegedly have been violated. The charges and supporting statements shall be submitted to the National Executive Board. The National Executive Board shall, within thirty (30) days after receipt of the charges, determine whether they are valid. If the National Executive Board determines that the charges warrant further investigation, it shall prepare a written complaint and serve it upon the National Officer against whom the charges were filed. The accused may respond to the National Executive Board in writing within thirty (30) days of receipt of the complaint. The complaint and response thereafter shall be mailed to the delegates from the last National Convention who represented the Region of an accused Regional Vice President or to all delegates in a case concerning the President or the Executive Vice President. Within 30 days after receiving the complaint and response, each delegate shall advise the National Executive Board, in writing, whether the delegate recommends continuing the impeachment process. Section 3. If continuation of the impeachment process is recommended by a majority of the delegates responding, a committee consisting of seven (7) active members in good standing, who are neither National Officers nor delegates, shall be appointed to conduct an impeachment hearing. Six of the members of the hearing committee (including the Chair) shall be appointed by the National Executive Board; the remaining member shall be appointed by the accused. The hearing committee shall provide the accused with at least twenty-one (21) days written notice of the date, time, and place of hearing. Such hearing shall be conducted no earlier than thirty (30) days and no later than forty-five (45) days after the appointment of the hearing committee. The accused shall have the right to question all witnesses who may testify against them, to call witnesses and present evidence in their defense, and to be represented by a member in good standing. The National Executive Board shall appoint a member in good standing, from a Region other than that of the accused, to prosecute the case. If the accused fails to appear without good cause at the scheduled hearing, the hearing committee shall proceed as if the accused were present. A vote of 5 members of the hearing committee is necessary to remove the accused from office, or to censure, fine, suspend, expel or otherwise discipline the accused. No National Officer may be tried twice concerning the same offense. Article XIII: Internal Grievances Section 1. Should any active member have any grievance or complaint concerning the actions of the Association, its officers or any fellow member, excluding a protest concerning the conduct of an election (which shall be decided in accordance with Article VII) or impeachment (which shall be decided in accordance with Article XII), they shall raise that grievance under the provision of this Article and shall not resort to any outside forum for resolution of their grievance. Section 2. Any active member may file a grievance. The grievance must be submitted to the National Executive Board through the General Counsel via U.S. Postal Service certified mail or other accountable, traceable delivery service within thirty (30) days of the event leading to the complaint. At a minimum, to be valid, the grievance shall be in writing, signed by the active member bringing the grievance and include the following: the name and facility of the accused member; a statement containing the specific facts supporting the grievance; all supporting documentation and appropriate witness statements; and the specific provisions violated of any of the following: a. Local or National Constitution, b. Standing Rules,

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