NATCA Bookshelf

2023 NATCA Constitution

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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S T A N D I N G R U L E S 17 from deducting from employees' pay amounts for payment of regular and periodic dues of the exclusive representative, the National Executive Board shall be empowered to prescribe procedures for additional methods of direct billing and payment of dues. SRD-5 Dues Payment by Mail (3/91) NATCA National will advise all members who pay their dues by mail of their upcoming obligation no later than 30 days prior to the expiration of their membership. SRD-6 Deleted (3/12) SRD-7 Dues Rebate (6/90, 4/00, 9/02, 4/06, 9/08, 9/10, 3/12, 9/16) Effective January 1, 2017, the National Office will rebate to the Locals, quarterly, ten (10) percent of the dues or $750, whichever is greater. For Locals collectively paying less than $3,000 in dues per year, the rebate shall equal the amount of dues paid. SRD-8 Dues Rebate Checks (4/06) Dues rebate checks shall be withheld for any NATCA Local failing to meet Department of Labor or Internal Revenue Service deadlines for LM forms or IRS reporting requirements. Dues rebate checks withheld under this provision shall be released to the Local once the Executive Vice President receives proof that the Local has complied with all DoL or IRS 990 reporting requirements. SRD-9 Dues Rebate Analysis (4/94) The NATCA National Office shall supply, concurrently with each local's quarterly dues rebate, a complete accounting of the statistical analysis used to derive the dollar figure for that rebate, i.e. how many members at each grade level. SRD-10 Initiation Fee (5/90, 4/94, 9/98, 9/02, 4/06, 9/08, 9/10, 3/12, 6/23) If a collective bargaining agreement is in effect, no initiation fee shall be assessed for individuals who become members within three months of being eligible for the first time for membership. If a collective bargaining agreement is not in effect, an initiation fee shall not be assessed for individuals who become members within six months after the effective date of the first collective bargaining agreement covering these employees. In addition, individuals who were members when they left the bargaining unit shall not be assessed an initiation fee if they become members within sixty days from the date that they return to the bargaining unit. All potential members who do not meet the above requirements shall be assessed at the sum of one year's dues at the pay grade of the individual when joining. The National Executive Board shall have the authority to declare open seasons. Any active member who resigns from the union or is automatically expelled because of non-payment of dues, in accordance with Article III, Section 7 of the National Constitution, shall not be allowed to rejoin the union without paying an initiation fee. SECTION E: COMMUNICATIONS SRE-1 Media Policy following an Accident (5/91) Following an aviation accident, NATCA will make no public statements which could be construed as speculation as to the accident's cause. Any decision to divert from this policy shall be made only by the President or Executive Vice President. The NATCA Facility Representative shall refer all media calls to the National Office and shall not make any statements to the press and/or public without first consulting the National Office. Concomitant with this policy shall be an aggressive effort on the part of the NATCA President and Executive Vice President to meet at the earliest opportunity with the individual NTSB Board members and establish a strong working relationship. A decision shall be made by the President or Executive Vice President as to what, if any, NATCA media action is warranted at the NTSB formal hearing on the accident. SRE-2 Deleted (12/21) SRE-3 Email Lists (9/04, 9/10) addresses will not be permitted on any NATCA members-only webboard or NATCA email list. Any organization

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