NATCA Bookshelf

NIW Today 2024_final 1

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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32 I s s u e s N A T C A I N W A S H I N G T O N 2 0 2 4 N i W To d a y in U.S history eroded the critical layers necessary to support and maintain the safety of the system. When the shutdown finally ended, the NAS was on the verge of unravelling, as many programs that reduce risk and increase safety completely stopped. NATCA and our members work hard to mitigate distractions and reduce fatigue in our workforce, but the shutdown increased fatigue and introduced unnecessary distractions for controllers while they were working airplanes. The pressure and the extra stress that this shutdown inserted into the NAS was intense. Controllers were distracted because they were thinking about the shutdown and how they would pay their mortgages, car payments, and for food and other household expenses. To earn income and take care of their families, in addition to performing their regular stressful duties of separating and sequencing traffic, some controllers also drove an Uber or Lyft or waited tables before and after their FAA shift. NATCA is committed to ensuring that the people we represent are never again put in this position. FA A F u n d i n g R e q u i re s R o b u s t A u t h o r i z a t i o n a n d A p p ro p r i a t i o n s L eve l s Issue

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