NATCA Bookshelf

NIW Today 2024_final 1

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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34 I s s u e s N A T C A I N W A S H I N G T O N 2 0 2 4 N i W To d a y Funding Timeline 2007 - 2015 2018 2020 - 2021 2022 2019 - 2020 2020 2023 2024 ! ! ! ! + Extensions • Congress forced to temporarily extend FAA authorization 23 times, while the system endured a partial FAA shutdown due to a lapse in authorization, a government-wide shutdown due to a lapse in appropriations, sequestration mandated across-the-board spending cuts, ATC furloughs, and a hiring freeze that caused crippling flight delays, as well as numerous threatened shutdowns. Shutdowns & Threats • Jan. 20, 2018: Three-day Shutdown Jan. 20-22. • Feb. 9, 2018: Shutdown on Feb 9. • Mar. 23, 2018: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations. • Mar. 31, 2018: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in FAA authorization. • Oct. 1, 2018: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in FAA authorization. • Oct. 7, 2018: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in FAA authorization. • Dec. 7, 2018: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations. • Dec. 22, 2018: 35-day government Shutdown. • Feb. 15, 2019: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations. Shutdowns Threatened • Oct. 1, 2019: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations. • Nov. 21, 2019: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations. • Dec. 20, 2019: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations. Tax Holiday • Mar 2020: Congress suspends passenger ticket and aviation fuel taxes through Dec. 31, 2020. General Treasury Transfer • Sept. 30, 2020: One-time $14B transfer from the General Treasury Fund to the Aviation Trust Fund. Shutdowns Threatened • Oct. 1, 2020: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations. • Dec. 11, 2020: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations. • Dec. 21, 2020: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations. • Dec. 27, 2020: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations. • Sept. 30, 2021: Threatened Shutdown:Threatened lapse in appropriations. • Dec. 3, 2021: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations. Shutdowns Threatened • Feb. 18, 2022: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations. • Mar. 11, 2022: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations. • Sept. 30, 2022: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations. • Dec. 14, 2022: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations. • Dec. 23, 2022: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations. • Dec. 30, 2022: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations. Shutdowns Threatened • June, 2023: Debt ceiling crisis narrowly averted. • Oct. 1, 2023: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations and FAA authorization. • Nov. 17, 2023: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations. • Dec. 31, 2023: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in FAA authorization. Looming Funding Deadlines • Jan. 19, 2024: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations. • Mar. 1, 2024: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations. • Mar. 8, 2024: Threatened Shutdown: Threatened lapse in appropriations and FAA authorization. • May 10, 2024: FAA Authorization Expires. • Sept. 30, 2024: Funding Expires. ! !

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