NATCA Bookshelf

NIW Today 2024_final 1

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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52 R e f e r e n c e s N A T C A I N W A S H I N G T O N 2 0 2 4 N i W To d a y Q & A n The FAA remains near a 30-year low for CPCs, and many of them are eligible to retire. If retirement-eligible CPCs know that their retirement benefits will be reduced significantly, it will greatly incentivize them to retire before that law goes into effect. A large wave of unanticipated retirements could cripple the NAS by exacerbating the current staffing and training challenges. O F F I C I A L T I M E Are you using duty or official time to be in Washington, D.C. today? n No. NATCA members do not lobby on duty time or official time. We are on leave or on our regular days off. Is official time necessary for NATCA members to perform their statutory and contractual duties? n Yes. At the FAA, official time is paid time that employee representatives may use to resolve disputes, negotiate changes in working conditions, and collaborate on workgroups that implement new modernization programs and procedures. n Official time saves the FAA and taxpayers' time and money by allowing NATCA representatives and the FAA to avoid costly arbitrations and other less-efficient means of dispute resolution. n Official time is necessary for NATCA members to perform their representational duties owed to all bargaining unit employees, regardless of union membership status. n Limiting official time at the FAA would lead to extremely inefficient labor relations. Today, NATCA representatives use official time for these essential functions: • Participate in labor-management workgroups that collaborate on issues like new technology implementation, development of new procedures, and increased airspace efficiencies. • Represent bargaining unit employees in meetings with FAA management. • Facilitate implementation of new workplace initiatives including training on new technology and procedures. • Assist the FAA in communicating important information about workplace matters to employees. • Negotiate contracts and other collective bargaining agreements that concern employee working conditions, pay, and benefits. • Represent employees in grievances and disciplinary actions. • Represent employees before other federal agencies in administrative proceedings. n However, NATCA DOES NOT use official time for any of the following prohibited activities: • Conduct internal union business. • Recruit new union members. • Collect union dues. • Conduct union elections. • Electioneer for union offices. • Engage in political activity.

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