NATCA Bookshelf

NIW Today 2024_final 1

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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92 R e f e r e n c e s N A T C A I N W A S H I N G T O N 2 0 2 4 N i W To d a y Finance Management (AFN) NATCA represents the employees included in the AFN bargaining unit in FAA offices nationwide. This includes Finance (ABA), Acquisitions (ACQ), Information Technology (AIT), and Regional Operations (ARO) throughout the Agency. Members in these lines of business provide shared services to all employees across the Agency and to the public. Professions represented include real estate, acquisition, materiel/material, property, building services, accounting, payroll, finance, budget, and computer specialists. They provide materiel/ material purchasing and inventory control, asset management and accountability, land and associated fixtures purchasing, budget planning, payroll for all employees, accounts receivable and payable, network planning, programming, and computer support. Flight Procedures Team (FPT) NATCA represents the employees who manage and facilitate the FAA's Instrument Flight Procedures Program in accordance with National Policy directives. A primary function of the FPT is to design, coordinate, and integrate instrument flight procedures into the NAS. FPT specialists must have a working knowledge of the responsibilities of national/ regional organizations (i.e. WAAS, NextGen, PBN offices, etc.) and other FAA Lines of Business involved in the coordination of Instrument Flight Procedures. Alaska Flight Service Station ATCS (FSS) NATCA represents all 17 Flight Service Stations in Alaska, including four hub locations — Fairbanks, Juneau, Kenai, and Palmer. These controllers provide airport advisory services, pre-flight briefings, and search and rescue operations, among other services. Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) NATCA represents employees at the FAA's David J. Hurley Air Traffic Control Systems Command Center's (ATCSCC) Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) Office (USNOF) Unit in Warrenton, Va. The members in this bargaining unit are responsible for operational compliance with policies and procedures and communicate this data to pilots on any issue that affects flight safety. Federal Contract Towers NATCA represents this group of ATCSs who work for three private employers: Midwest Air Traffic Control Services, Robinson Aviation (RVA), Inc., and Serco Management Services, Inc. These contract towers tend to be smaller in size and operation, typically employing between five and 10 controllers. Staff Support Specialists (SSS) NATCA represents the staff specialists who are air traffic controllers located in service centers, air route traffic control centers, terminal radar approach controls, and airport traffic control towers. Staff Specialists support the daily operation of the air traffic system through a variety of functions. Primary responsibilities are to initiate procedural and traffic management changes to enhance the air traffic controller's ability to move aircraft through the system and support the work and overall tasks of ATCSs, including quality assurance, training, and personnel. Traffic Management Coordinators (TMC) NATCA represents these employees in en route centers and terminal facilities. These employees maximize the NAS by coordinating the flow of aircraft on a national scale. They are continuously aware of the traffic flow, status of navigational aids, weather conditions, and traffic forecasts to preclude situations that may cause sector saturation, excessive en route and terminal delays, and flights undesirable atmospheric conditions. NATCA Bargaining Units

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