NATCA Bookshelf

NIW Today 2024_final 1

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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57 R e f e r e n c e s N A T I O N A L A I R T R A F F I C C O N T R O L L E R S A S S O C I A T I O N | W W W . N AT C A . O R G N i W To d a y Glossary Markup A formal process of reviewing and revising a bill by a committee via debate and amendments prior to voting on whether the committee will accept or reject the final bill. This is a key step in advancing any legislation for a possible floor vote. National Legislative Committee (NLC) NATCA's National Legislative Committee is responsible for organizing and implementing the Union's grassroots legislative efforts and identifying and addressing the legislative education needs of NATCA's members. Additionally, the NLC works as part of NATCA's legislative team to develop training sessions, recruit volunteers, and disseminate information about legislative activities. National Training Initiative (NTI) The National Training Initiative, which began in July 2019 and was paused during the COVID-19 Pandemic, was restarted in April 2022. The NTI is a collaborative initiative between FAA and NATCA dedicated to a more efficient training progression for developmental controllers. NextGen The overarching modernization project that is shifting the FAA from its current ground-based radar system to more sophisticated, satellite-based, and digital technologies, along with new procedures that are combining to make air travel more efficient, predictable, and environmentally friendly. In short, NextGen is making the necessary upgrades to modernize the NAS. Official Time At the FAA, official time gives employee representatives a voice to resolve disputes, negotiate changes in working conditions, and implement new procedures and technologies such as NextGen systems. In the past, members of Congress have introduced legislation and amendments that would eliminate official time, but NATCA has been successful in defeating these attempts. Omnibus A term that is used to refer to a spending bill that combines most or all appropriations spending bills into one larger bill that can be passed with only one floor vote in each chamber of Congress. There are 12 separate regular appropriations bills that need to be passed each year to fund the federal government and avoid a partial or complete government shutdown. Unlike a CR, which is merely an extension of previous funding levels, an omnibus is a collection of appropriation bills. Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) Under Title 49, the FAA may delegate to a qualified private person a matter related to issuing certificates, or related to the examination, testing, and inspection necessary to issue a certificate on behalf of the FAA Administrator. The Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) program is the means by which the FAA grants designee authority to organizations or companies. ODA holders are typically authorized to conduct the types of functions which they would normally seek from the FAA. For example, aircraft manufacturers may be authorized to approve design changes in their products and repair stations may be authorized to approve repair and alteration data. Regular FAA oversight of an ODA is accomplished by a team of FAA engineers and inspectors to ensure the ODA holder functions properly and that any approvals or certificates issued meet FAA safety standards. Ranking Member The highest-ranking member of the minority party on a committee. The ranking member, along with the committee Chair, often serve as members of each subcommittee as a result of their status on the committee. Reducing Flight Delays Act of 2013 (H.R. 1765) Legislation led by NATCA to end sequestration- related FAA furloughs in April 2013. Once signed into law, it authorized the FAA to shift funds from the Airport Improvement Program fund to its operations account in order to bring air traffic controllers and other aviation safety professionals back to work. See also Airport Improvement Program. Remote Towers System (RTS) Program Air traffic control tower services performed remotely, that is, somewhere other than at the local control tower. The RTS program is an ongoing project for which NATCA continues its engagement with the FAA. NATCA believes technological advancements in remote tower system technology could have a place in the NAS to enhance certain air traffic levels of services, rather than viewing this new technology as a "replacement" for current air traffic control towers. A remote tower system was deployed and extensively

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