NATCA Bookshelf

CFS Book 2024 Book

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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CFS 2002 provided valuable insights for safety professionals from various avia on sectors. June 15, 2002 26 N AT I O N A L A I R T R A F F I C C O N T R O L L E R S A S S O C I AT I O N 25 Years of CFS CFS Registra on Desk, 2011: Busy moments at the registra on as a endees arrive for the event. March 21, 2011 NATCA President Emeritus John Carr talks to local reporters during an interview at CFS 2002. June 15, 2002 NATCA President Paul Rinaldi with U.S. Rep. Jim Oberstar (Minn.-8) at CFS 2011, discussing avia on legisla on. March 23, 2011 Jeff Skiles, First Officer on U.S. Airways Flight 1549, sits with NATCA President Pat Forrey, at CFS 2009. March 3, 2009 Execu ve Vice President Trish Gilbert with Former FAA ATO COO Teri Bristol and the Professional Standards Workgroup at CFS 2013. March 6, 2013 The CFS exhibit hall con nues to expand as new technologies are put on display, at CFS 2014. March 25, 2014 NATCA Execu ve Vice President Trish Gilbert thanks the Safety Commi ee, led by Safety Chair Steve Hansen, at CFS 2014. March 25, 2014 ATSAP Panel, CFS 2010: Experts discuss the success of the Air Traffic Safety Ac on Program in enhancing safety repor ng. March 22 • 2010 CFS 2006 was a milestone event featuring discussions on avia on safety advancements. September 15, 2006 Tim Hardison, ZDC Regional Coordinator for Eastern Service Area, engages in discussions at CFS 2012, Atlanta. January 30, 2012 NTSB Chair & James L. Oberstar Sen nel of Safety Award winner Deborah Hersman speaks passionately about safety at CFS 2013. March 5, 2013

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