NATCA Bookshelf

ArchieAwards 2024_Final

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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16 Jordan Smith (Denver TRACON, D01) arrived at work around 5:30 a.m. on April 7, 2024, expecting a normal Sunday morning shi to end his work week. As it turned out, this would not be just a normal shi . Jordan was working a combined position, covering both West and South departures along with the satellite sector for Denver/Centennial ATCT (APA) and Broom eld Je erson County ATCT (BJC). Tra c was light with VFR conditions and gusty winds from the west. Southwest Airlines Flight 3695 departed Denver Airport (DEN) and checked in with Jordan. e pilot requested to level at ten thousand feet and a heading o the departure procedure because they thought they might have hit something on climb out. Jordan accommodated. However, the pilot quickly came back to declare an emergency and requested to return to land at DEN. Jordan's instincts and training kicked in and he cleared them back to the airport and started coordinating with the tower to stop west and south departures. e ight crew wasn't sure of the nature of the issue, just that the cabin crew and passengers had expressed that something was coming o the right wing near the engine. e engine seemed to be running ne, but the aircra was structurally damaged. Jordan immediately recognized that this wasn't just a run-of-the-mill emergency e pilot said they would need a few minutes to run checklists and gure out a plan to land. e tra c management coordinator was working right next to Jordan and suggested they land on Runway 26 with the gusty winds. e pilot decided they wanted to land on Runway 25 to try and avoid a crosswind issue. Jordan advised that he thought Runway 26 might work better, as it was closer. e pilot agreed, and Jordan started moving aircra around to get them in that direction. Jordan cleared the path for them and let them know he was ready for them to turn when they were ready. SWA3695 turned on the base leg to land and the pilot advised it wasn't going to work. ey were going to need a Wri en by Bri any Armbrust (Colorado Springs ATCT, COS) Wri en by Bri any Armbrust (Colorado Springs ATCT, COS) NORTHWEST MOUNTAIN REGION NORTHWEST MOUNTAIN REGION NORTHWEST MOUNTAIN REGION NORTHWEST MOUNTAIN REGION NORTHWEST MOUNTAIN REGION NORTHWEST MOUNTAIN REGION NORTHWEST MOUNTAIN REGION NORTHWEST MOUNTAIN REGION NORTHWEST MOUNTAIN REGION NORTHWEST MOUNTAIN REGION NORTHWEST MOUNTAIN REGION NORTHWEST MOUNTAIN REGION NORTHWEST MOUNTAIN REGION NORTHWEST MOUNTAIN REGION NORTHWEST MOUNTAIN REGION Jordan Smith Denver TRACON D01

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