NATCA Bookshelf

PoliticalComparisonLetter_hyperlinks 2

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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Brothers and Sisters, On August 6, 2024, we, the NATCA Na onal Execu ve Board (NEB), voted to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for President and her running mate Minnesota Governor Tim Walz for Vice President. We developed the enclosed comparison chart on key issues that affect NATCA's members to pro- vide you with the same informa on we considered when making our endorsement. NATCA strictly focuses on issues related to federal employees, avia on safety, and worker and union rights when making endorsements. We endorsed Kamala Harris for President because in every elected office she has held, Vice Presi- dent Harris has been a champion for protec ng and expanding the middle class and the interests of all working families, including ac ve and re red union members. Whether it was figh ng against corporate greed as California's a orney general, as a U.S. senator working to expand labor protec ons for workers who were most at risk on the job, or as Vice President in her role as the chair of the first ever White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment, she has served with dis nc on and unwavering dedica on to working Americans. Vice President Harris also has taken a strong personal interest in the specific challenges faced by air traffic controllers and other avia on safety professionals. In 2019, she invited NATCA air traffic controller Trisha Pesiri-Dybvik to be her guest at the State of the Union. Pesiri-Dybvik and her husband, who are both air traffic controllers at Santa Barbara Airport Air Traffic Control Tower, suffered significant financial hardship when their family went without both paychecks through the 35-day government shutdown earlier that year. We also endorsed Tim Walz for Vice President. Governor Walz was a strong supporter of our legisla- ve priori es when he served as a member of the U.S. House of Representa ves for a dozen years. He is a proud union member and has a long, demonstrated history of suppor ng workers and unions. Under his leadership as governor, Minnesota expanded collec ve bargaining rights for public sector employees and raised teacher pay. We hope you will join us in vo ng for Kamala Harris for President and Tim Walz for Vice President this fall. Thank you for your considera on. In Solidarity, The NATCA Na onal Execu ve Board Please note, the Hatch Act prohibits federal employees from engaging in poli cal ac vity on duty and in the workplace. Do NOT bring this le er or the comparison chart to work. Do NOT post either document on your NATCA bulle n board in your facility.

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