NATCA Bookshelf

PoliticalComparisonLetter_hyperlinks 2

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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Issue Harris-Walz Trump-Vance Union & Labor Rights The Harris-Walz campaign strongly supports labor rights. As Vice President, Harris served as chair of the White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment. She has a strong record of suppor ng federal workers, walked union picket lines, and cast numerous e-breaking votes in the Senate to support workers. Governor Walz is a former public-school teacher, decorated veteran, and proud union member, and he has a 93% AFL-CIO vo ng record. He addressed union members during his first solo campaign rally. Former President Trump repeatedly took ac ons that undermined and a acked labor rights. Senator Vance has a 0% AFL-CIO vo ng record and opposed NATCA on two out of three key votes iden fied by the Na onal Legisla ve Commi ee. The "Project 2025" agenda (see separate sec on below) authored by former officials in the Trump Administra on calls for decima ng federal sector unions: Banning unions for public service workers (page 82). Le ng management decer fy unions mid-contract (page 603). Execu ve Orders Regarding Public Sector Unions The Biden-Harris Administra on repealed three Trump Administra on an -worker, an -union Execu ve Orders (EOs) on their second day in office. The Trump Administra on issued three EOs targe ng federal labor unions, making it harder for workers to exercise their collec ve bargaining rights and u lize official me: Reduced the me allowed to nego ate a collec ve bargaining agreement and reduced the costs contained within them (EO 13836). Restricted agencies from nego a ng any permissive subjects, including staffing (e.g. targets for PPT, shi guidelines, etc.), tours of duty (e.g. hours of the day), technology for performing work, and bargaining below the na onal level (EO 13836). Reduced the use of union "official me" that allows union representa ves to per- form representa onal du es including filing and advoca ng for grievances and engaging in bargaining (EO 13837). Expedited the process for removing federal employees in performance-based adverse ac ons (EO 13839). Project 2025 calls for the reinstatement of these three Trump execu ve orders (pages 81-82). National Air Traffic Controllers Association | Comparing the Harris-Walz and Trump-Vance Records on Issues Important to NATCA

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