NATCA Bookshelf

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A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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Issue Harris-Walz Trump-Vance FAA and Government Funding Harris and Walz have consistently advocated for the con nua on of government funding and against government shutdowns. Vice President Harris invited a NATCA member to join her for the State of the Union Ad- dress to show support for NATCA and federal employees who worked without pay during 2018-2019 government shutdown. The Biden-Harris Administra on proposed in its FY2025 budget request a new $8 billion investment over five years dedicated to replac- ing outdated FAA facili es and radars. This investment would fund the first-ever recapi- taliza on of En Route Centers and the replace- ment of over 20 aging Towers. Former President Trump openly welcomed the 35-day government shutdown between Dec. 2018 – Jan. 2019. "If we don't get what we want … I am proud to shut down the government for border securi- ty." -President Trump in the Oval Office, Dec. 11, 2018. Former President Trump refused to sign a bill that would have ended the 2018-2019 govern- ment shutdown weeks earlier. More recently, Trump posted a video on his campaign website promising to seize funding already provided by Congress if he becomes President again. Infrastructure The Biden-Harris Administra on secured the biggest infrastructure investment in modern American history, the Bipar san Infrastructure Law, including $25 billion for airports and FAA facility and equipment upgrades. Former President Trump campaigned on and promised to advance a major infrastructure funding bill during his term but failed to deliv- er on those promises. Key Appointments to Protect Federal Workers' Rights The Biden-Harris Administra on has priori zed nomina ng people with exper se who support the rights of federal employees to serve on the Federal Labor Rela ons Authority (FLRA) and the Merit Systems Protec on Board (MSPB). Vice President Harris will con nue this ap- proach if elected President. The FLRA resolves complaints of unfair labor prac ces, adjudicates legal issues regarding the duty to bargain, and cer fies union elec- ons for new bargaining units, among other key func ons. The MSPB is charged with protec ng federal employees against improper employment-re- lated ac ons. The Board works to ensure federal agencies avoid taking arbitrary ac ons against employees, exhibi ng favori sm, or engaging in reprisals against whistleblowers. The Trump Administra on appointed an- -worker, an -labor individuals to serve on the FLRA, which issued numerous rulings and regulatory changes detrimental to federal em- ployee rights and working condi ons. The MSPB lacked a quorum and could not con- duct its business for nearly four years during the Trump Administra on. It also did not have a confirmed General Counsel or named Dep- uty General Counsel to inves gate and issue Unfair Labor Prac ce complaints, leading to a backlog of nearly 3,800 cases. Comparing the Harris-Walz and Trump-Vance Records on Issues Important to NATCA National Air Traffic Controllers Association |

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