NATCA Bookshelf

The Delegate_October 3

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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Day 2: Delegates Wrap Timely Amendments, Resolutions NATCA Creates New Award, Honors Extraordinary Organizer The second day of Convention business started off strong, as NATCA delegates returned to the convention hall ready to pass amendments to improve the Union. Credentials Committee Member Chris Boughn announced that 372 delegates and 139 alternates were in attendance aer Paul Rinaldi called Convention to order. Legislative Committee Chairman Steve Weidner was the first to take the stage yesterday morning to give the legislative report to the delegates. He began by introducing the National Legislative Committee members for each region and their hard work to make NATCA legislative activism so robust. "I would just like to take this opportunity to thank them publically for all that they do for the Union," he said. He continued, asking the delegates to not only continue their activism but also strive for increasing activism in their home facilities and regions. He said the increased activism helps NATCA make strong connections on Capitol Hill. "NATCA could not care less what letter people have behind their name: D, R, or something else," he said. "We want to put NATCA behind their name. That's how we're successful on the Hill." Rinaldi then picked up where the delegation le off yesterday, hearing the remaining proposed amendments. A14-04 proposed making the Organizing Committee a standing committee of NATCA. The amendment was moved and seconded by the National Executive Board. NATCA lost one of its founding fathers last year with the death of John Thornton. Today, we will honor Thornton's memory with a special presentation and the introduction of a new award named for him and inspired by his extraordinary contributions to the birth of our Union. Thornton's influence was prominent as this "year of organizing" took shape. The NATCA Difference, at its core, is a proud belief in the collective power and strength of our great Union. The NATCA family puts the needs of the whole ahead of the individual. Thornton embodied every great characteristic of a union man. He put his brothers and sisters' interests first. He also made the biggest sacrifice in 1981, as a member of PATCO. "Not only did he go on strike to try and fix the bad working conditions that we all know about, he also served 10 days in jail with a handful of other strikers," NATCA Executive Vice President Trish Gilbert said. "As we know now, firing our PATCO brothers and sisters didn't fix the problems." Those who were hired to fill the open controller positions, including many who have attended Convention this week, faced the same challenges and struggles. It was Thornton who then helped them by leading a new effort to unionize. The new Thornton Award inscription reads, "In Recognition of Extraordinary Contributions That Have Significantly Changed the Course of NATCA's History." It is fitting that the first award was presented to President Emeritus and NATCA Executive Director Barry Krasner, who spent his career at N90, was present at NATCA's founding convention in 1986, and later became the Union's first two-term President (1991-1997). NATCA honored Krasner, and presented him this award, at his retirement celebration on Sept. 4, in Washington, D.C. He thanked the NATCA membership and staff, calling his efforts simply "standing on the shoulders of giants," a phrase he said originated with former President John Carr. "For everybody out there who does everything you do, you are all giants, and I thank you for all the times that I got to look good at your expense," he said. "Thank you very, very much." > DIGITAL RESOURCES: CONVENTION E-BOOK & APP Access the NATCA Constitution, Robert's Rules of Order, and Proposed Amendments and Resolutions via the NATCA Convention e-Book. These documents can be viewed on a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Users will be able to search, record notes, or jump to specific pages. To download the document, scan the QR code at left. Download information for the Convention app can be found on page 12. > UNTIMELY AMENDMENTS/RESOLUTIONS: GUIDELINES For inclusion in the aernoon's business, resolutions and untimely amendments must be submitted, in writing, by 11:30 a.m. of the day on which they can be heard. Submissions can be made via e-form on the NATCA Convention website, emailed to (must contain name, facility, region, email, cell phone, text of resolution, date, & time), or in writing to the EVP using the printed submission form. Electronic submissions preferred; scan QR code at le to submit via email. The Delegate P U B L I S H E D DA I LY FO R N ATC A' S 1 5 t h B I E N N I A L CO N V E N T I O N F R I DAY • O CTO B E R 3 , 2 0 1 4 continued on page 3

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