NATCA Bookshelf

IFATCA Annual Conference 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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I FATC A A N N UA L CO N F E R E N C E 2 INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS' ASSNS. IFATCA was founded in 1961 by air traffic controllers from 12 European countries. It has since grown to become the global voice of controllers, with 133 Member Associations representing more than 50,000 air traffic controllers worldwide. The goals of the Federation are: • To promote safety, efficiency, and regularity in international air navigation. • To assist and advise in the development of safe and orderly systems of air traffic control and new procedures and facilities. • To promote and uphold a high standard of knowledge and professional efficiency among air traffic controllers. • To closely cooperate with international and national aviation authorities and institutions concerned with air navigation. • To sponsor and support the passage of legislation and regulations which will increase and protect the safety of air navigation. • To strive for a worldwide federation of air traffic controllers associations. Patrik Peters (Germany), President and CEO Scott Shallies (Australia), Deputy President Jeremy Thompson (New Zealand), EVP Finance Eric Risdon (Switzerland), EVP Professional Duncan Auld (Australia), EVP Technical Keziah Ogutu (Kenya), EVP Africa and Middle East John Carr (United States), EVP Americas Mike O'Neill (Hong Kong), EVP Asia and Pacific Zeljko Oreski (Croatia), EVP Europe Philippe Domogala (Eurocontrol), Conference Executive Tatiana Iavorskaia (Canada), Office Manager IFATCA'S EXECUTIVE BOARD REGIONS IFATCA believes that sufficient resources should be directed towards establishing robust and independent safety regulation at national, regional and global levels to encompass ATM equipment, procedures, and personnel. It has been IFATCA's experience that its general policy, particularly in the technical field, cannot always be uniformly implemented throughout all regions of the world. To meet these requirements, four regions were formed: THE COMMITTEES' WORK IFATCA representatives are mostly active air traffic controllers, so they know better than anyone how changes will affect the operation. They are highly knowledgeable about numerous topics, from remote tower services to fatigue mitigation and everything in between. They are industrious, resourceful, and travel-ready, since physical meetings are typically one or two long flights away. Our Australian and New Zealand representatives typically travel 24 hours or more and manage difficult time zone changes. IFATCA has two groups doing research and developing policies on new topics, the Technical and Operational Committee (TOC) and the Professional and Legal Committee (PLC). The TOC works on technology issues, which this year include collaborative decision-making, visual Area Navigation (RNAV), commercial space, airspace redesign, and others. The PLC papers for this year include controller-in-charge responsibilities, affects of aging, mental illness in aviation, Class E separation, and others. Each of these committees is made up of 8-12 members. The members are determined by vote at the Annual Conference, and some associations will provide additional reps at their own expense. The study topics are determined at the Conference as well. During the year, members work together by email, Skype, or phone and also meet in person. Meetings are hosted by one of the member's associations. The papers are finalized in January and then presented at the Annual Conference, where the proposed policies will be discussed and voted on. Once the policies are established, IFATCA leadership and representatives communicate these policies not just to ICAO but also to air navigation service providers (ANSPs, such as the Federal Aviation Administration in the United States and NavCanada), equipment manufacturers, governments, contractors, and the public. • International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) • Eurocontrol • European Union (EU) • International Labour Office (ILO) • International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations (IFALPA) • International Air Transport Association (IATA) • CANSO, IFATSEA, and others Through its representatives at ICAO, IFATCA provides guidance to the global community on emerging technologies, workplace issues, and long range planning. INTERNATIONAL FORUMS IFATCA is well represented in international forums involving: THE ORGANIZATION'S WORK • Participation in working groups with our partners • IFATCA Standing Committees will produce working papers • Working Papers for conference will, after discussions, lead to: » Information papers » Recommendations » Policy • Policy will be included in a manual, which serves as a guideline for discussion on a regional level and will be updated according to input received. AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST (AFM) ✈ THE AMERICAS (AMA) ✈ ASIA AND PACIFIC (ASP) ✈ EUROPE (EUR) IFATCA: ONE SKY, ONE VOICE • Annual Conference • Regional Conferences • Office (located in Montreal, Canada) • IFATCA website, • IFATCA Publications • Weekly Newsletter (IWEN) • IFATCA Circular • THE CONTROLLER quarterly magazine • Regional Representatives/Liaison Officers COMMUNICATIONS CHANNELS

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