NATCA Bookshelf

NIW Today 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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NiW Today n i w . n a t c a . n e t Members of the House of Representatives are grouped by state and listed alphabetically by last name. Members of the Senate are listed alphabetically by last name. ✔ The member voted correctly from NATCA's perspective. ✘ The member voted incorrectly from NATCA's perspective. NV The member did not vote on the bill. ✱ The member was not in office at the time the vote took place. These votes all occurred during the last session of Congress (113th), so it is important to remember that there are new mem- bers listed who were not yet elected when those votes occurred. Likewise, members who voted on these bills but are no longer in office are not listed. H.R. 1765 Reducing Flight Delays Act of 2013 NATCA led the legislative efforts for passage of H.R. 1765, in which the House and Senate voted to put an end to the April 2013 FAA furloughs of air traffic controllers and other aviation safety professionals. The furloughs occurred as a result of the spending cuts mandated by sequestration. The Senate passed this bill via a procedure called "unanimous consent." This means that a roll call vote was not taken, so you will not find this vote listed for your senators. H.R. 2775 Continuing Appropriations Act of 2014 This Continuing Resolution (CR) was signed into law on October 17, 2013, and ended the two-week government shutdown. On September 30, 2013, as the fiscal year came to an end, Congress had not passed appropriations bills to fund the government for F Y 2014. Therefore, on October 1, the government was forced to shut down — including the FAA, which caused NATCA members to once again be furloughed or work without receiving a paycheck until the government "reopened." The CR ended the government shutdown and allowed furloughed employees to return to work. H.R. 4745 Gingrey Amendment to THUD Appropriations NATCA has been fighting anti-official time amendments and bills for the past several years. Last year, Rep. Phil Gingrey (R- GA) once again offered an anti-official time amendment to the F Y 2015 Transportation-HUD appropriations bill (H.R. 4745). NATCA led the fight to successfully defeat this amendment, which failed by a vote of 167 – 254, with all Democrats and 60 Republicans voting with NATCA against the amendment. A corresponding amendment was not offered in the Senate, so you will not find this vote listed for your senators. H.R. 2029 Hice Amendment to Military Construction — Veterans Affairs Appropriations Just like the Gingrey Amendment that would have eliminated official time at the FAA, Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA) introduced an anti-official time amendment to the F Y 16 Military Construction-Veterans Affairs (Mil-Con-VA) appropriations bill (H.R. 2029). This amendment would have eliminated official time for federal employee union representatives in the Department of Veterans Affairs. NATCA successfully defeated this amendment when it came up for a vote, with 49 Republicans joining all Democrats to oppose the amendment. If the Hice amendment was approved for the Department of Veterans Affairs, it could eventually lead to the end of official time at other departments and agencies, such as the FAA. A corresponding amendment was not offered in the Senate, so you will not find this vote listed for your Senators. KEY LEGISLATIVE VOTES 42

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