NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: July 20, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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NATCA NATIONAL OFFICE DEPARTMENTAL WEEK IN REVIEW July 9 - 15 , 2016 IN THIS ISSUE (Click on each topic and sub - topic to be taken directly to those sections): GENERAL COUNSEL NATCA National Representative Election Information LABOR RELATIONS NATCA Settles Health And Welfare Contribution Rate Grievance With Serco Inc. NATCA Labor Relations Prepares For FLRA Hearing On AOV Voice Switc h Headset Briefing Requests GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Congressional Schedule FAA Extension Signed Into Law Will A Government Shutdown Be Averted In September COMMUNICATIONS The Website Why Is The NATCA Portal So Important? NATCA ' s 16th Biennial Convention, Aug. 30 - Sept. 2, San Diego: Quick Links to Key Resources and Documents Delivering Weekly National Office Updates And Paul And Trish Team Updates Directly To You Other Ways to Stay Informed About Your Union (including so cial media, email alerts) Get Breaking News Directly From Us The Communications Department – We're Here To Help WEEKLY MESSAGE FROM FAA ATO COO TERI BRISTOL A Call for DASHO Nominations MEMBERSHIP AND MARKETING What's New at the NATCA Store? Cycling Jersey Using the NATCA Member Portal to Update Your Contact Information Benefits Spotlight: AT&T Cambridge Corner: Credit Card No - No's Upcoming Retirement Seminars NATCA Edge - Designed exclusively for NATCA members! SAFETY AND TECHNOLOGY Airport Capacity Decision Support Tool (ADEST) Airspace Technical Demonstration 2 (ATD - 2) Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) Runway Safety Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)

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