NATCA Bookshelf

RVA Contract - June 1, 2011 (searchable)

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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24 Section 4. If training is to be provided before or during recertification, it shall be individually developed and unless during the training process other deficiencies are identified shall only be administered to correct identified deficiencies and shall normally be scheduled during the employee's normal duty hours. If necessary, the Employer may adjust the employee's schedule to allow the employee to recertify as soon s possible. ARTICLE 23 POSITION DESCRIPTIONS Section 1. The Employer shall provide each bargaining unit employee a position description that accurately reflects the duties of the employee's position. Position descriptions shall be uniform throughout the Employer's facilities where bargaining unit employees are employed. Section 2. An employee shall not be required to perform duties that do not have a reasonable relationship to the employee's official position description. Section 3. The Employer will provide each employee a copy of the position description and any changes thereto. ARTICLE 24 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Section 1. The Employer shall continue to provide the Employee Assistance Program for bargaining unit employees. The purpose of the program is to assist employees with personal problems. Section 2. Participation in the Employee Assistance Program shall be voluntary. Section 3. The Employer shall advise all employees the specifics of this program during initial employee orientation. ARTICLE 25 MEDICAL QUALIFICATIONS Section 1. Annual Class II physical examinations are required for all employees as a condition of initial and continued employment pursuant to Federal Aviation Administration rules and regulations. All Air Traffic Control personnel shall have a current Class II Medical Certificate in their possession while performing actual ATC duties. The Air Traffic Manager shall immediately be notified by any employee if their Class II Medical Certificate has been revoked; rescinded; suspended; is otherwise no longer current and/or valid; during any period of known physical deficiency that would make the employee unable to meet the physical requirements for a current medical certificate; any time an employee is taking a medication that has not been approved by the FAA Flight Surgeon or his/her staff; any time that an FAA authorized

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