A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association
Issue link: http://natca.uberflip.com/i/825765
Not-for-Profit Reform Model A type of reform model that would remove air traffic control services from the FAA and prioritize safety and efficiency of the NAS without regard to generating a profit. This is the type of reform model that was proposed in the House T&I Committee's 2016 AIRR Act. NATCA opposes any model that would derive profit from operating the air traffic control system. Official Time At the FAA, official time gives employees a voice to resolve disputes, negotiate changes in working conditions, and implement new procedures and technology such as NextGen systems. There is a misperception on Capitol Hill that official time is an abused privilege and a waste of taxpayer dollars. Members of Congress have previously introduced legislation and amendments that would eliminate official time. There is a current proposal to penalize the representatives who serve their colleagues on official time. Official Time Reform Act of 2017 Introduced by Representative Jody Hice (R-GA), the Official Time Reform Act of 2017 (H.R. 1364) is a direct attack on official time that would harm the important work that is being done by NATCA and the FAA on NextGen and other programs that require collaboration. These programs are vital to the safety and efficiency of the NAS. Omnibus A term that is used to refer to a spending package that combines several or sometimes all appropriations spending bills into one larger bill that can be passed with only one floor vote in each chamber of Congress. There are 12 separate regular appropriations bills that need to be passed each year to fund the federal government and avoid a partial or complete government shutdown. Unlike a CR, which is merely an extension of previous funding levels, an omnibus is a collection of current appropriation bills. Reducing Flight Delays Act of 2013 Legislation prompted by NATCA's efforts to end sequestration-related FAA furloughs in April 2013. Once signed into law, it allowed the FAA to shift funds from the Airport Improvement Program fund to its operations account in order to bring air traffic controllers and other aviation safety professionals back to work. See also Airport Improvement Program. Remote Towers Air traffic control tower services performed remotely, that is, somewhere other than at the local control tower. The Remote Tower Services initiative is currently being tested at Leesburg Airport in Virginia. Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee Chaired by Senator John Thune (R-SD), this Senate committee has jurisdiction over FAA reauthorization, amongst many other things. The Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security is chaired by Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO) and has jurisdiction over civil aviation safety and security, with specific oversight responsibility for the FAA and the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) aviation security initiatives. Sequestration Members of Congress implemented sequestration as a tool to reduce federal expenditures. In 2013, it drastically cut the FAA's budget. Congress avoided sequestration through passage of a variety of spending packages for F Y 2014 and 2015. Sequestration cuts threaten to return this year and are set to continue through F Y 2021 unless Congress takes action. GLOSSARY NiW Today n i w . n a t c a . n e t 80