NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: June 14, 2017

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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The team discussed a draft version of the use case; it ' s desired behavior is to create a dynamic switch to turn Data Comm Route functionalit y off/on at the facility level. The task team will update the use case and bring it back for further discussion. ER 170189 Force NDA to Specific Canadian FIR The task team briefed the draft use case; it ' s desired behavior is to cre ate a method for controllers to manually initiate NDA processing to the specific CPDLC FIR in which they intend on transferring communications. The draft was sent to the team for review and will be discussed during the next telcon. FDB T ask T eam The Full Data Block task team discussed their recent evaluation, specifically, ER 172801 Auto Point Out CHI and the PRED which improved this behavior, ER 175474 VCI Brightness, ER 176639 Green Indicators in the Data block, FDB attachment points and s everal other is sues identified. For each issue, the team's decisio n was added to the AIMS ticket. There is a CHI team meeting the week of 6/12 where many of the ERs will be discussed; decisions made by CHI will be brought back to the user team for review. ICAO Template The task team briefed the Full Template use case; this is the third and final use c ase for ICAO template changes. The task team will update the use case and continue team briefings until it is complete. GIMS The GIMS demo needs to be reschedule d; this wil l help educate the team on how GIMS functions and is used operationally. It will also enable the task team to respond to functionality questions from the GIMS program. 175559 Coordination Indicator Display was briefed. The intent of the ER was to display the " C " indicator on subsequent speed advisories at the same sector. GIMS was designed such that the FDB Coordination Indicator (FCI) will only appear once per operational position on the initial GIMS speed advisory. Once a controller accepts the initial s peed advisory, the intent was that controller completed their obligation and there was no need to display subsequent indicators. The team determined that the original design should remain; this will be coordinated with GIMS and documented in the AIMS ticke t. CID Letters A new scheme for use of letters in CIDs was discussed. The current design used a primary and secondary group of letters and all letters in the primary group are used. The change would be to make a small number of letters, if available, be c hosen first before any other primary letters are used. An ER and problem statement will be created. ER 125521 Backup Radar System Once the EAD200 system and related equipment is installed the EBUS system will no longer be supported. The timing and transit ion plan for disabling EBUS and integrating a new s ystem has not been established. More information will be provided, as it is available. EAD600, EAD700 and EAE100 Systems S tatus

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