NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: January 24, 2018

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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Phase 3 (9R Enhancement) – 9R construction estimated to be completed Spring 2018 and IOC Fall 2018. Drawings have been received. The work is out for a bid. BOS Shelter electrical work completed 10/6/17. Airfield conduit/cabling estimated to be completed early November. IOC estimated June 2018. DFW Work is ongoing. IOC for the west side of the complex is expected March/April 2018. San Diego Shelter installation estimated to be completed 12/17/17. IOC estimated Jan 2019. Runway Safety: Taxiway Lander ASDE-X Enhancement A study on Taxiway Arrival Prediction capability at SEA has been taking place. Approximately, 90 days' worth of data has been collected and analyzed. Of that data, there has been zero false or nuisance alerts. This week a Flight Check Lear60 tested the ASDE-X taxiway lander enhancement this week. The system performed as designed and appropriately under the parameters. The next steps are still to be determined. Runway Incursion Prevention Shortfall Analysis (RIPSA)- Research was conducted at 15 airports without any surface surveillance system. A final site selection is yet to be completed. Here is the updated RIPSA timeline, which includes detailed activities: • Re-engage candidate airports, conduct on-site assessments and preliminary site surveys – Feb/Mar 2018 • Initiate contract award(s) to technology vendor(s) – Mar 2018 • Complete contract award, hold kickoff meeting with vendor(s) – Apr/May 2018 • Commence MOU development with test site(s) – Q3FY18 • Finalize MOU with test site(s) - Q4FY18 • Conduct engineering and infrastructure site surveys with vendor(s) - Q4FY18 • Conduct SRMP for test site(s) - Q1FY19 • Commence test system(s) installation at test site(s) – Q2FY19 • Complete test system(s) installation at test site(s) – Q3/Q4FY19 • Commence testing and evaluation process – FY20 GAJSC CFIT Workgroup The group is analyzing GA CFIT fatal accidents and developing safety enhancements aimed at reducing occurrence rates. The group in which many industry members are present including manufactures, pilot organizations, MITRE, universities, etc. meet every six weeks to do this deep dive analyze. I will be meeting with this group again the week of January 22nd prior to my participation they did not have any controller input.

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