April 14 - 28 , 2018
2018 NATCA National Election Update
April 30, 2018
The nomination acceptance period in the 2018 NATCA National Election closed at 5 p . m .
EDT on Monday, April 30. The NATCA National Election Committee determined that all
nominees who accepted were eligible for candidacy. There will be a national contest for
NATCA President and Executive Vice President. There will also be a contest in three of
the 10 NATCA Regions. The candidates are listed below, as well as the seven
individuals who have been declared the winner by acclamation.
2018 NATCA National Election Candidates
Paul Rinaldi
Bryan Zilonis
Executive Vice President:
Trish Gilbert
Dave Riley
RVP, New England Region:
Mick Devine
Mike "Robey" Robicheau
RVP, Western Pacific Region:
Scott Conde
Joel Ortiz
RVP, Region X:
Curt Howe
Patrick Massie
Winners by Acclamation (term to commence Sept . 1, 2018)
RVP, Alaskan Region: Clint Lancaster
RVP, Central Region: Aaron Merrick
RVP, Eastern Region: Rich Santa
RVP, Great Lakes Region: Drew MacQueen
RVP, Northwest Mountain Region: Eddie DeLisle
RVP, Southern Region: Jim Marinitti
RVP, Southwest Re gion: Andrew LeBovidge
The site to pre - register for electronic voting, , opened on May 1, 2018. If
you pre - register to vote electronically prior to June 25, 2018, you will not receive a mail