NATCA Bookshelf

2023 NATCA Constitution

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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N A T I O N A L C O N S T I T U T I O N 11 Article IX: Finances Section 1. The fiscal year shall commence on the first day of January and expire on the last day of December. Final budget approval shall be accomplished prior to the beginning of each fiscal year. No monies may be drawn against the funds of the Association until a final budget is approved. Section 2. The Executive Vice President shall provision for the distribution to each Local an annual financial report as soon as practical after the confirmation of the annual audit, but in any case no later than April 30. The annual financial audit shall be undertaken by an independent public accounting firm. Section 3. Annual audit results shall be made available to each member of the National Executive Board and shall be made available to any active member in good standing upon request. Section 4. Any officer or employee of the Association may sign on its behalf: bills, notes, checks, negotiable instruments, or other evidences of obligation only when they have been authorized to do so by the National Executive Board within limitations determined by the Board and described in writing to be signed and issued by the President. All checks drawn against the funds of the Association shall be countersigned by the President or the Executive Vice President. Section 5. The Association may pay the expenses of any National Officer, Voting Delegate, and National Committee Member whose duties require their attendance at a convention. Section 6. Any changes to the national dues of all the active members of the Association shall be proposed to the National Convention by the National Executive Board. After 120 days' notice to the membership, membership dues shall be set by a majority roll call vote at the Convention. Section 7. There shall be an initiation fee for new members as set by majority vote at the National Convention. Section 8. Retired member dues, individual associate member dues, and corporate associate member dues shall be set at a rate per annum set by the National Executive Board. Section 9. A dues rebate in the minimum amount of ten (10) percent shall be returned to the locals. Section 10. Special assessments for extraordinary purposes may be imposed by secret ballot majority vote of active members in good standing. Section 11. The National Finance Committee shall have access to review all financial records of the Association. Article X: Locals Section 1. The National Executive Board shall be empowered to charter local unions under such rules and regulations as it may deem proper. Section 2. Locals shall adopt a constitution and bylaws. The local's constitution and bylaws shall not conflict with this Constitution or any duly promulgated Standing Rule and/or Policy and Position Statements of the Association. Section 3. Each Local shall have the following offices: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Locals may provide in their constitution and bylaws for additional offices or for combining local offices into not less than one (1) position. Section 4. For each term of office, local officers shall be elected by secret ballot vote of the active members in good standing. Each term of office shall not exceed three years. There is no limit to the number of terms served. Section 5. Locals may appoint officers to fill vacancies for unexpired terms of office, provided such procedures are specifically defined in their Local Constitution. Section 6. There shall be no more than one NATCA local per facility. Section 7. Any challenge to a local election shall be decided by the National Executive Board in accordance with Article VII. Section 8. Locals shall have, at a minimum, two (2) membership meetings per calendar year. Article XI: Trusteeship Section 1. The President, with approval of the National Executive Board, may place any Local in trusteeship for any of the following reasons: a. To uphold the Constitution of the Association. b. To correct corruption or financial malpractice. c. To assure performance of collective bargaining agreements or other duties of a bargaining representative. d. To otherwise carry out the legitimate objects of the Association. Section 2. The affected local shall be afforded a fair hearing by a panel appointed by the President within a reasonable amount of time following the imposition of trusteeship. The time and location of the hearing along with a summary of the hearing procedures shall be provided to the local no later than thirty (30) days prior to the hearing date. The hearing shall

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