NATCA Bookshelf

2023 NATCA Constitution

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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S T A N D I N G R U L E S 23 SRG-8 NATCA Endorsement Policy (9/10, 12/21) Endorsement Criteria NATCA publicly endorses candidates for public office only in the following circumstances: a. Candidates for the office of the President of the United States. b. Individual with records of extraordinary support for NATCA's positions on legislative and policy issues within Congress or relevant federal agencies. c. Individuals who have performed extraordinary service on behalf of NATCA and its members. Endorsement Process The following process shall be followed when a NATCA endorsement has been requested: a. When considering each endorsement request, the National Executive Board may seek comments and input from the National Legislative Committee, NATCA Government Affairs Department, and/or any entity deemed necessary to make an informed decision. b. A NATCA public endorsement of the requesting candidate shall be made only after a majority of National Executive Board members vote in the affirmative. SRG-9 Deleted (3/12) SRG-10 Return Rights for Training Failures (4/18) NATCA shall pursue all reasonable efforts to ensure that a CPC-IT who fails to certify will be returned to their previous facility of record, if that is their wish. SRG-11 Code of Conduct (12/21) NATCA shall maintain a Code of Conduct that shall apply to all NATCA staff, members, leadership and any other participants in NATCA activities, events, or meetings. NATCA is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination and harassment, regardless of an individual's race, ethnicity, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity or expression, ancestry, pregnancy, or any other characteristic protected by law. NATCA will not tolerate discriminatory, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior in the workplace or at any of its activities, events or meetings. The Code of Conduct shall be promulgated by the National Executive Board. SRG-12 Code of Conduct at NATCA Events (12/21) Event organizers and those with a leadership position attending NATCA events are required to acknowledge that they have read, understand, and accept the terms of the NATCA Code of Conduct as part of the registration process. NATCA may require acknowledgement by all attendees as part of the registration process. SRG-13 Music at NATCA Events (12/21) The only music played at NATCA events shall be radio edit/non-explicit versions. SECTION H: COMMITTEES, BOARDS, LIAISONS & REPRESENTATIVES SRH-1 NATCA National Representatives (9/08, 9/10) NATCA National Representatives recognized by collective bargaining agreements or interim memoranda of understanding shall be elected by secret ballot election by the respective bargaining unit to two-year terms. Such terms shall commence on September 1 of even-numbered years. National Representatives are not considered "elected officers" of the Union for the purposes of impeachment as described in Article XII. These representatives may be recalled by the President, with the consent of the National Executive Board. SRH-2 Selection of Liaisons, Technical Representatives and Workgroup Members (9/98, 9/02, 9/16, 6/23) All appointments to and extensions of liaisons, technical representatives and workgroup members require the approval of the National Executive Board. Liaison/Technical Representative/Work Group Member Selection Process: The President shall provide the National Executive Board notice of the end of the term of a liaison, technical representative or work group member. When a vacancy exists, the President will present a name, or list of names, of members for consideration to the National Executive Board for confirmation prior to the date of anticipated vacancy. (Note: The President can obtain information from any source they deem appropriate prior to making a selection for a position, i.e.; Director of Safety and Technology,

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