NATCA Bookshelf

2023 NATCA Constitution

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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S T A N D I N G R U L E S 22 SECTION G: GENERAL SRG-1 Union Logo (4/00, 9/02) No change may be made to the logo of the Association except by majority vote at the National Convention. Modification of NATCA logo: Any NATCA local or member who wishes to use the NATCA logo or the name in another font or format must receive prior National Office approval. SRG-2 Use of NATCA Logo (9/02, 9/08, 9/10) All items bearing the NATCA name or logo shall be union made or, at a minimum, American made. NATCA, through the Executive Vice President, shall preserve and enforce the proper use of the NATCA identities, which consist of the organization's full name (National Air Traffic Controllers Association), acronym (NATCA) and logo (hereafter collectively known as the "NATCA identities"), by executing a written Agreement, as developed by the National Executive Board, with any vendor which desires to place the NATCA identities on merchandise and materials to be sold or distributed by the vendor. At a minimum, a written Agreement must preserve and enforce the proper use of the NATCA identities by incorporating the following terms: Reserve NATCA's right to withdraw vendor's license should vendor use the NATCA identities in an inappropriate manner as determined by the NATCA National Executive Board; Receive the vendor's commitment to use the NATCA Identities in accordance with the NATCA National Constitution, Policies, and Standing Rules, as amended; Receive vendor's acknowledgement of NATCA's exclusive right, title and ownership of the NATCA identities; Receive vendor's agreement to refrain from using the NATCA identities in any manner that would impair or tend to impair any part of NATCA's right, title and interest; and Prohibit the rights granted to vendor from being assigned to others without NATCA's prior express written consent. NATCA shall charge vendors desiring to use the NATCA identities in connection with for-profit sales of merchandise and materials bearing the NATCA identities an annual licensing fee: a. $100 for first time applicants; and b. $250 for renewal applicants. SRG-3 Use of Union Hotels (9/04) When using hotel services, NATCA should make a concerted effort to hold meetings and stay at Union hotels when such hotels are available in the immediate area. SRG-4 NATCA Charitable Foundation (9/08, 9/10) The NATCA Charitable Foundation is recognized as NATCA's official charity. NATCA encourages all NATCA locals to support the NATCA Charitable Foundation. The National Executive Board shall grant a minimum $10,000 to the NATCA Charitable Foundation each calendar year and also reimburse active or retired NATCA members and/or NCF volunteers not employed by the FAA for travel associated with NCF activities at NATCA events up to $2,000 annually. The NATCA National Executive Board may increase the latter amount when it deems it appropriate. SRG-5 FAA's Performance Management Program (9/08, 9/10) In cases where the Employer has imposed work rules on NATCA bargaining unit members, it is NATCA's policy that members should refrain from participating in any management self-assessment program or other similar programs identified by the National Executive Board. SRG-6 Honoraria (4/00) Any resolutions recognizing individual or group service to NATCA passed by the convention delegates shall be placed in NATCA's Policy and Position Statements in a section titled "Honoraria" until the next biennial convention; after the succeeding convention, the resolution(s) shall be removed from the bylaws and the individual(s) name shall be placed on a plaque to be displayed in the National Office recognizing their service. SRG-7 NATCA Outstanding Achievement Award (9/08) The NATCA Outstanding Achievement Award (also known as the "NATTY") shall be known hereafter as the "Tim Haines Memorial Award of Honor and Distinction."

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