NATCA Bookshelf

2023 NATCA Constitution

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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S T A N D I N G R U L E S 21 requests for reimbursement cannot be made within the 180-day time frame. Any member seeking reimbursement beyond 180 days shall be allowed to make a written request to the National Executive Board for approval. All such requests shall be through the office of the Executive Vice President and must include written justification for the delay. Approval shall be on a case-by-case basis. SRF-21 Local Vouchers (9/04, 3/12, 12/21) All NATCA Locals shall use vouchers to account for their financial transactions. NATCA Locals with two or more officers are required to have dual signatures on checks and vouchers. SRF-22 Internet for Smaller Locals (3/12, 12/21) NATCA shall reimburse up to $80 per month for internet access to Locals covered by SRF-12 and individual Alaskan Flight Service Stations. Wireless cards, hot spots, and internet in the facility are reimbursable, home service is not. SRF-23 Loans (10/14) Locals shall be prohibited from issuing loans. SRF-24 Convention Subsidy (4/18) The NATCA National Executive Board (NEB) shall provide a subsidy to NATCA Locals for attendance at the Convention. No later than 180 days prior to NATCA's Convention, the NEB shall establish the criteria for determining which Locals qualify for the subsidy, the level(s) of subsidy, as well as the process for applying for any such subsidy. For those NATCA Locals that qualify, subsidy checks will be issued after the Convention. At a minimum, a subsidy will be paid to Locals attending the National Convention based on the following criteria: a. Locals receiving $3,000 or less in annual dues rebates — not less than $500. b. Locals receiving more than $3,000 up to and including $4,500 in annual dues rebates — not less than $300. SRF-25 Large Group Financial Tracking (4/18) For any group using funds from local treasuries for recurring meetings (for example, the En Route, TRACON FACREP Group (TFG), or the CORE30 airports), each group shall designate a Chairperson and adopt a charter and provide it to the NATCA National Office via the Executive Vice President. The group will hold all funds for their meetings at the NATCA National Office in an account designated for the group. At each meeting, the group will collect each Local's contribution for expenses. Once all checks are collected, they shall be forwarded to the Accounting Department at the NATCA National Office. Meeting expenses should either be sent to the Comptroller or Deputy Comptroller of NATCA so that they might be paid prior to or immediately after the meeting (whichever is appropriate), or they can be expensed through Concur in accordance with this policy. SRF-26 CFS Lodging (4/18) No later than 180 days prior to Communicating for Safety (CFS), the NATCA National Executive Board (NEB) shall determine whether to issue or amend a CFS lodging policy. A CFS lodging policy, if issued, shall provide that, for a certain number of NATCA members per Local, the lodging costs for all three (3) nights of the conference are covered if a NATCA member rooms with another NATCA member, or half of the lodging costs if a member elects to have a single room. SRF-27 National Convention Lodging (12/21) A National Convention lodging policy shall provide that, one (1) NATCA delegate per Local that is eligible for reimbursement under SRF-12, the lodging costs for one (1) night prior and all subsequent nights of the convention are covered if a NATCA member rooms with another NATCA member, or half of the lodging costs if a member elects to have a single room. SRF-28 Expense Reimbursement Policy (12/21) NATCA shall maintain a policy regarding allowable and non-allowable expense reimbursements that shall apply to all activities funded through NATCA's national budget (which includes the National Office, Regions, and Committees). This policy shall also contain guidelines NATCA locals shall follow for particular expense reimbursement processes applicable to all NATCA locals. This policy shall be maintained under rules and regulations as promulgated by the National Executive Board.

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