NATCA Bookshelf

2023 NATCA Constitution

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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S T A N D I N G R U L E S 31 After completion of discussion by the NEB, a vote shall be taken to accept or reject the application for membership. In order for an application to be accepted, a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those NEB members present must vote in favor of approving corporate membership. After the final vote on the application for corporate membership, the Membership Department shall take prompt action to advise the corporation of the results and to process those applications accepted. Those applications rejected shall be returned to the corporation, along with any dues tendered, accompanied by a letter stating the reasons why corporate member status could not be given. All actions under this section must be completed within two (2) weeks of the vote by the NEB. SRM-4 Associate Member Recruiting (6/98, 10/14) Associate membership campaigns will be limited to FAA, DOD, and private sector employees ineligible to be in the NATCA bargaining unit and/or individuals and family members interested in aviation. SRM-5 Retired NATCA Active Volunteers (9/02, 9/08) Any retired NATCA member may elect to join the Retired NATCA Active Volunteers (RNAV). Fifty percent (50%) of the dues collected from RNAV members will be rebated to the RNAV Auxiliary. The RNAV Auxiliary may elect to establish local dues that will be retained by the RNAV Auxiliary. The national president shall appoint an individual to administer the affairs of the RNAV Auxiliary. Members of the RNAV Auxiliary shall have all the rights and privileges of active members, except the right to vote and hold office. SRM-6 Limitation on Retired Membership (10/14) Pursuant to Article III of the NATCA National Constitution, any retired member, or individual eligible for retired membership, who accepts a supervisor/management position for an employer where NATCA represents bargaining unit employees shall immediately be ineligible to hold a retired membership status and shall only be eligible for an associate membership. SRM-7 Layoffs in Federal Contract Towers (10/14, 6/23) If, as a result of a closure, a member is laid off, they shall be considered to be an active member of the Association for as long as they remain in a layoff status. Layoff status shall be considered to have ceased upon a duly executed recall by the Employer, or upon the expiration of any recall provisions as negotiated between the Employer and NATCA. A determination of good standing shall be in accordance with Article III, Section 3 of the NATCA Constitution. SRM-8 Associate Membership Rules and Regulations (12/21) Acceptance of Associate Members. Upon written application to NATCA, NATCA shall consider an individual's application for associate member status with the organization. No individual shall be eligible for membership as an associate member if the individual is eligible for active membership. An individual's application for associate member status may be denied for cause as determined by a majority vote of the NEB. Revocation of Associate Member Status. An individual's associate member status with NATCA may be revoked at any time upon a motion for revocation submitted to the NEB by the NATCA Regional Vice President for the region in which the associate member is located. Following the submission of a motion for revocation, the NEB shall decide whether the individual's associate member status should be revoked for cause as determined by a majority vote of the NEB. There is no right to appeal if the NEB decides to revoke an individual's associate member status. An individual's associate member status with NATCA shall also be revoked for failure to pay dues. SECTION N: NATCA EMPLOYEES SRN-1 National Officer Salaries (9/96, 4/00, 9/04, 3/12, 4/18, 12/21) The NATCA National President shall be compensated with an annual base salary of 1.85 times the amount of the FAA ATSPP Pay Band maximum for an ATC Level 12 Facility with no locality pay; the National Executive Vice President shall be compensated with an annual base salary of $5,000 less than the National President's salary. SRN-2 Transition Period (8/91) A 30-day transitional period is created, whereby replacing and replaced national officers will work in tandem. This 30-day period shall commence immediately from the new officers' first day in office, and shall expire 30 calendar days thereafter.

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