NATCA Bookshelf

2023 NATCA Constitution

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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S T A N D I N G R U L E S 32 SRN-3 Federal Retirement Funding – National Officers (9/96) As of September 1, 1997, NATCA shall fund only the employer's share of the federal retirement program for the President and Executive Vice President. SRN-4 Health Insurance Premiums (9/08) NATCA will pay the government share of monthly federal health insurance premiums for its President and Executive Vice President so as to ensure that they will continue to have health insurance for their families when they retire from federal service. SRN-5 Paid Moves for National Officers (2/91, 6/23) It is NATCA's policy to pay for moves of the NATCA President and Executive Vice President only. NATCA will pay for all legitimate costs (excluding real estate losses) associated with the President's and Executive Vice President's moving expenses, as in accordance with the current Department of Transportation travel manual (excluding the relocation program). In the event this policy conflicts with specific expenses covered in the DOT travel manual, the provisions of this policy shall prevail. NATCA will only pay for the move from the new President's or new Executive Vice President's place of residence at the time the election results are announced. In the event that there is a new President or new Executive Vice President, NATCA will pay for all legitimate moving expenses, consistent with the above paragraph, for the outgoing President or outgoing Executive Vice President, or both. NATCA will pay to move the outgoing President or the outgoing Executive Vice President to their former place of residence or a distance equal from the National Office to their former residence if the outgoing President or outgoing Executive Vice President decide to relocate to an area different than their former place of residence. The payment of legitimate associated moving expenses shall be authorized from the budget of the fiscal year immediately following the election year. All completed vouchers shall be submitted to the NEB for final scrutiny prior to payment. Any alleged excess in any voucher area shall be voted on individually by the NEB. SRN-6 Regional Vice President Differential (4/94, 4/00, 3/12) NATCA's Regional Vice Presidents shall receive a monthly differential allowance in the amount of $2,000. SRN-7 Authority to Hire/Fire Employees (8/97, 6/23) NATCA's President must receive majority approval of the NEB prior to the hiring or removal of any NATCA employee from their employment status with NATCA. SRN-8 Use of Consultants/Contractors (4/94) Individuals not considered day-to-day employees of the Association are defined as external (independent) consultants or contractors, and shall be required to render services pursuant to a written (contractual) agreement. Any individual or company so defined (excluding normal and occasional vendor services) shall be under such written (contractual) agreement signed by the NATCA National President and the contracting party. SRN-9 Nepotism (2/98, 4/06, 6/23) NATCA may consider relatives of employees or officers for employment if the applicant meets the requirements of the position for which they are applying. However, relatives will not be considered for a position, which would require one to direct, review, or process the work of the other. In the case of the marriage of one employee to another, both may retain their positions if they do not have: a. the same supervisor; b. a supervisor/subordinate relationship; or c. a job which has influence over the other's employment or status. SRN-10 Retirement Contributions (7/96) NATCA will continue to make employer contributions for individuals in its employ who participate in the CSRS retirement program & will make employer contributions for individuals in its employ who participate in the FERS retirement program as if that authority were the individual's employing Federal Agency under the provisions of 5 USC 8432(c) or other appropriate law. SRN-11 Compliance with Title V & 19 C.F.R (7/92) NATCA shall provide relief to FAA LWOP personnel employed by the union in regards to the adverse impact of

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