NATCA Bookshelf

ArchieAwards 2024_Final

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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14 It was a clear September evening in 2023 and N6453H, a Cessna 182 Skylane, was ying under visual ight rules (VFR) at 6,500 feet, southwest bound in the Boston Bravo airspace. Initially, the pilot of N6453H was in contact with Sarah O'Brien (Boston TRACON, A90) who was working the Boston Departure position. At approximately 5:10 p.m., Sarah was no longer receiving radio communications from N6453H. At rst, she didn't think much of it, as that happens from time to time with VFR aircra , so she handed radar control of the aircra that had no radio communications o to Hanan Wiseman (Boston TRACON, A90), who was sitting next to her working the Bedford Sector. e aircra continued ying southwest bound and, as the Cessna was just west of Bedford Airport (BED), both Sarah and Hanan noticed the aircra spiraling and descending in altitude. At that moment, their e orts to contact the pilot increased to help provide assistance to the pilot. Hanan quickly switched to the emergency frequency, 121.5 mHz to establish communications with the pilot of N6453H and to change to his frequency. He then enlisted the help of a pilot who had just departed BED and was in the vicinity of the distressed aircra , but as he was doing so, N6453H checked on Hanan's frequency. When N6453H checked on Hanan's frequency using a handheld radio they had on board, the pilot noted that he had lost all electricity and was looking to return to Beverly Airport. However, Hanan suggested an alternative course of action, believing that was safer for an aircra without electrical power. With Sarah assisting, Hanan declared an emergency on behalf of the aircra and coordinated with BED to have N6453H land on Runway 11, which was in the opposite direction of their current ow. Hanan was given approval from Bedford Tower, provided vectors to the pilot towards the airport, and cleared N6453H to land on Runway 11 at BED. e pilot landed safely thanks to the quick actions of Hanan and Sarah. "Teamwork in air tra c is huge. It makes a big di erence when you're working next Wri en by Shannon Lyman (Boston Center, ZBW) Wri en by Shannon Lyman (Boston Center, ZBW) NEW ENGLAND REGION NEW ENGLAND REGION NEW ENGLAND REGION NEW ENGLAND REGION NEW ENGLAND REGION NEW ENGLAND REGION NEW ENGLAND REGION NEW ENGLAND REGION NEW ENGLAND REGION NEW ENGLAND REGION NEW ENGLAND REGION NEW ENGLAND REGION NEW ENGLAND REGION NEW ENGLAND REGION NEW ENGLAND REGION NEW ENGLAND REGION NEW ENGLAND REGION NEW ENGLAND REGION NEW ENGLAND REGION NEW ENGLAND REGION NEW ENGLAND REGION Sarah O'Brien Boston TRACON A90 Hanan Wiseman Boston TRACON A90

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