NATCA Bookshelf

ArchieAwards 2024_Final

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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12 On Oct. 16th, 2023, controller Mike Phillips was working the Columbus ATCT (CMH)'s Approach Control Middletown sector. It was a light tra c day with low ceilings covering most of central Ohio, when a call from Cincinnati Approach informed Mike of an aircra coming to him that had reported the loss of a generator. When N2274X, a Cessna Super Skymaster, checked in, Mike immediately took action and o ered an alternate airport for landing and assessed the need for further assistance for the pilot. N2274X accepted the change to land at Dayton airport, and Mike provided current weather conditions and PIREPs for the area. Soon a er this exchange, N2274X's Mode-C started to read zero and radio communication started to become di cult as the aircra 's electrical system seemed to be failing. rough all the unknowns of the situation Mike continued to keep communicating headings, Minimum Vectoring Altitudes (MVAs), and coordinates with the Cincinnati controller to ensure the airspace surrounding N2274X remained clear of other tra c. Mike, assisted by Controller-in-Charge, Matt Adair, worked through multiple attempts to help N2274X join the nal approach course while the pilot struggled to maintain navigational control of his aircra . At that point, N2274X reported his altitude, which was below the MVA for the area, and Mike immediately declared an emergency for the aircra . With limited options in a less-than-ideal situation, the controller team fell back on training and experience and decided to commence with an Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) approach. Mike reminded the pilot what the standard rate of turn was and began issuing no-g yro turns onto the nal approach course for Dayton Airport. Soon a er N2274X got established on nal, the pilot reported, "N2274X has the runway in sight." A landing clearance was given, and the pilot was able to land safely at Dayton Airport. roughout the entire exchange, ight Wri en by Sarah Simek (Grand Forks ATCT, GFK) Wri en by Sarah Simek (Grand Forks ATCT, GFK) GREAT LAKES REGION GREAT LAKES REGION GREAT LAKES REGION GREAT LAKES REGION GREAT LAKES REGION GREAT LAKES REGION GREAT LAKES REGION GREAT LAKES REGION GREAT LAKES REGION GREAT LAKES REGION GREAT LAKES REGION GREAT LAKES REGION GREAT LAKES REGION GREAT LAKES REGION GREAT LAKES REGION Matthew Adair Great Lakes Region CMH Jennifer Harshbarger Great Lakes Region CMH Michael Phillips Great Lakes Region CMH

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