A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association
Issue link: http://natca.uberflip.com/i/579691
o Discussed the SVT meeting at SCT and how the few sites that are using it are pleased with its capabilities. o EFSTS requirements are due by 9/30 and the team has to prioritize the newest 60 DR s. o Getting the replacement keypads for EFSTS is a high priority. Other equipment NAS wide is being deemed "obsolete" by the ma nufacturer, meaning they've quit making it, so the team wants to get the required number of keypads ASAP to avoid having differen t keypads in different facilities. o The new AEFS build,, should be ready for initial t esting at the WJHTC by Monday. After approximately 4 weeks of testing, it should be ready to be in stalled in CLE by the end of Oct . o Mr. Baugh and some of the Engineering team are planning a site visit to SFO in the second week in October to assess the facilities needs for equipment and space limitations. · Wednesday – o Participated in t he Wed/Fri Ops Team Briefing. o Met with NATCA Technical R ep Liaison Robert Utley . o Participated in an AEFS Preliminary Safety Analysis Meeting (PSAM) . · Thursday – o Met again with NATCA Tech. Rep. Liaison Robert Utley . o CLE AEFS DBS Server froze due to the memory leak in the software, and they had to revert to paper strips for a short time. Terminal Second Level Engineering was on site for a live test the following night and was able to reset the system quickly and get them back up. · Friday – o Participated in the Wed/Fri Ops Team Briefin g, traveled home . o The tech center has installed DSP monitors and FDIO so testing for EWR will be more accurate. o EWR was delivered additional equipment and software to update their training simulator to better prepare the facility for the installatio n of AEFS in early 2016. TIME BASED FLOW MANAGEMENT (TBFM): Eric Owens (I90) is the TBFM Article 48 Representative. Mr. Owens' report is below. · Last week the TBFM Ops Team supported IDAC trainin g efforts at SDF, IND and ZID. We found a coupl e of issu es with th e monitor resolution. However, the team was able to get those issues resolved. o While the team was in the area, Mr. Owens asked a couple of our team members to travel to CVG to ensure their IDAC e quipment was working properly. CVG had similar monitor issues that did get fixed pri or to our departure on Friday. · In addition to IDAC training, there were Ops Team members in Atlantic City to observe a fix that had been designed to correct an i ssue with rescheduled flights. · Mr. Owens and his team members also attended several Telcons throughout the week. UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS (UAS): Steve Weidner (ZMP) is the UAS Article 48 Rep resentative. His update for this week is below.