NATCA Bookshelf

CFS Daily Dispatch: Issue 1

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2016 Welcome and thank you for joining us for Communicating For Safety 2016! The first CFS provided a forum for aviation professionals from across the nation to discuss their daily challenges. Now, almost 20 years later, aviation professionals and industry stakeholders from across the world are here to improve aviation safety, discuss and explore technology, and build relationships amongst the global community. CFS has grown from a modest 40 attendees in 1999, to approximately 1,500 attendees. We are so grateful for your attendance. Without a broad and inclusive conference, we could not accomplish our goal of taking aviation safety to new heights, tackling the challenges this industry faces, and celebrating its achievements. Over the next three days, we hope you will learn from the many expert panelists, exhibitors, and each other. We're excited to welcome back some familiar faces to the stage this year, including Mr. Gordon Graham, for yet another insightful and entertaining presentation, and Capt. Al Haynes, an airline pilot who encountered a harrowing situation and saved hundreds of lives. We also welcome new guests, including Dr. Jerry Cockrell, a psychologist, pilot, and safety expert, and Mr. David Kerley, the ABC News correspondent covering transportation. As aviation safety professionals, we must be ready each day to overcome whatever challenge arises. On Wednesday evening, at the Archie League Medal of Safety Awards, we will conclude this conference by celebrating some of the most astounding examples of NATCA professionals rising to the occasion to triumph over unexpected challenges. It is in our nature as air traffic controllers to solve problems as they are presented to us while staying calm under pressure. The individuals we will honor on Wednesday are the best examples of this in the air traffic control profession. As technologies change and our National Airspace System becomes more complex, the aviation community will face pressures and challenges it has never seen before. We are confident that by working together we can overcome these challenges and create a safer, more efficient system. From advocating for funding certainty, to getting the next FAA Reauthorization bill passed, to integrating Unmanned Aircraft Systems, to implementing NextGen technologies, to learning to work with remote towers, to continuing to foster a culture of collaboration, to learning from our brothers and sisters overseas, this year will bring many challenges. Nonetheless, the conversations we engage in here will foster our collective strength, and help us overcome these challenges together. Dr. Jerry Cockrell, Ph.D., is an aviator, psychologist and humorist. Cockrell, a former Boeing 737 captain, has over 20,000 flying hours, including flying a Boeing 747- 400 on international routes for an air carrier. Cockrell also holds a Ph.D. in Psychology and Education. He began working in 1977 and was one of the earliest developers of Crew Resource Management (CRM) programs. Since that time he has conducted more than 200 CRM and Check Airmen safety seminars for many air carriers — including United Parcel Service, Alaska Airlines, Air B.C., Air Ontario, Frontier Airlines, Overseas National Airlines, Mark Air, Reeves Aleutian Airways and Henson Airlines. Current teamwork programs developed from airline CRM training. Dr. Cockrell has been on the forefront of these efforts, leading the way with his unique CRM, human factor, and teamwork programs that have inspired others to follow his path. Cockrell has worked with corporate, governmental, and aviation groups including Mobil Oil, ARCO, all branches of the military, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. As Mark Air's director of safety and training, Cockrell has worked with its employees, including mechanics, pilots, and flight attendants. His Maintenance Management Safety seminars lead the way before government NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rule Making) for CRM, and he is a respected aviation human factors authority. Cockrell was one of the first speakers to make aviation safety presentations in all 50 states and abroad — speaking in England, Germany, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe, Mexico, Canada, and Australia. He's delivered over 3,000 humorous safety presentations. The NATCA CFS Planning Committee hopes conference attendees this year will not only learn from Dr. Cockrell, but also enjoy his presentation and sense of humor. 7:30 am REGISTRATION 12:00 pm WELCOME: Steve Hansen, NATCA Safety Committee Chair 12:15 pm KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Paul Rinaldi, NATCA President 12:45 pm PANEL: The Pros and Cons of the Aviation Innovation Reform & Reauthorization Act (AIRR) 2:15 pm BREAK 3:00 pm PANEL: NextGen and SESAR 4:00 pm PRESENTATION: Dr. Jerry Cockrell 5:15 pm MEET & GREET: CFS Sponsors & Exhibitors For full agenda, see page 16 Paul Rinaldi ¡¢£¤¥¦£§¨ Patricia Gilbert £©£ª«¨¥¬£ ¬¥ª£ ¡¢£¤¥¦£§¨ Steve Hansen §®¨ª® ¤®¯£¨° ª±²²¥¨¨££ ª³®¥¢ Communicating for Safety 2016 WELCOME: Dr. Jerry Cockrell SPOTLIGHT: MONDAY, MARCH 21 Make sure to download the NEW CFS App from your device's app store!

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