Terminal Automation Modernization Replacement (TAMR)
Terminal Flight Data Manager (TFDM)
Operational Contingency & Continuity Office (OCCO)
Updates to the NATCA Expense Reimbursement Policy:
The NEB recently approved several updates to the NATCA Expense
Reimbur sement Policy. The updated policy took effect on August 1, 2016. The most
significant change is the increase to the maximum reimbursable amounts for meals.
Specifically, the maximum reimbursable amount for breakfast will increase from $20 to
$25 per person ; the maximum reimbursable amount for lunch will increase from $25 to
$30 per person; and the maximum reimbursable amount for dinner will incre ase from
$50 to $60 per person.
The updated policy also contains additional guidance on the use of electronic
vou chering through Concur, including information on how long to keep receipts when
using Concur, as well as new guidance regarding the purchase of rental car insurance
coverage. The updated policy is posted here at this link on the members - only side of the
natca.org website .
NATCA National Representative Election Information
The elections for the positions of National Representative for the AIR and ARP
units are ongoing. Ballots were mailed on Thursday, Jun e 30th. However, due to an
error in postage, some mail ballot packages are being delivered, while others are not.
Therefore, to ensure that all eligible members in these two units have an opportunity to
vote in these elections, the NATCA National Office ma iled duplicate ballots on July 8th.
Assuming regular USPS turnaround times, affected members should have receive d their
duplicate ballots by Friday, July 15th.
If an affected member receives both the original ballot and duplicate ballot,
he/she may use eit her to cast his/her vote. However, if an affected member casts both
the original and duplicate ballots, only the duplicate ballot shall be counted. The ballot
return deadline remains the same: 11:59 p.m. EDT on Monday, August 15th . Affected
members with qu estions or concerns should contact Assistant General Counsel Lauren
Schmidt ( lschmidt@natcadc.org or 202 - 266 - 9853).