NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: August 10, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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SAFETY AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT FLIGHT DATA INPUT OUTPUT (FDIO): Ron Shusterman (A90) is the FDIO Article 48 Representative. Also included in Mr. Shusterman's duties are Article 48 representation for the Electronic Flight Strip Transfer System (EFSTS). Mr. Shusterman forwarded the information below for the membership. Due to RECAT, Electronic Flight Strip Transfer System (EFSTS) software has to be updated which has delayed the deploy ment of the EFSTS Replacement Keypad (ERK). New keypads for phase one facilities will be shipped beginning in early Octob er. A familiarization power point presentation has been developed and will be sent out to the facilities prior to the ERK. Key site for ph ase two will occur in January. OSHA : Mike Odryna (ZBW) is the Chai rman of NATCA's OSHA Committee. He has provided an update for the membership. Weekly Meetings: Continuing weekly meeting with Kathleen Edic (AJW - 23 - A) EOSH Services. POC: Mike Odryna New Orleans Lakefront Tower Mold Issues Mike Odryna is continuing to meet with the agency regarding the on - going wate r and mold issues. It was determined that the concrete block making up the Base bui lding is saturated with water. Several air scrubbers and de h umidifier have been installed. An independent CIH has been hired by the agency to oversee the remediation of t he mold. FAA engineers are working on a plan to rem ove all the damaged sheetrock. While minor fixes are being done at this time, the major projec t will begin on September 1st. POC: Mike Odryna, Geoff Bac ci, Nichol Bell, Lawrence Pharr Establishment OSHECCOMs All facilities must be covered by an Establishment OSHECCOM and they are requir ed to meet at least quarterly. Establishment committees are use d to discuss fa cility specific safety issues. If any issues cannot be resolved at the establishment level, the issue would then be forwarded to the Regional Committee. If you have any questions on how to set one up, please contact your NATCA Regional OSHA Rep. The current NATCA Regional OSHA committee list can be found here: - home OSHA 6000 If you have recently been appointed to your facility ' s Establishment OSHECCO M, you are required to take an OS HA 6000 class within six months. The Agency is offering OSHA6000 classes in all three Service Areas. If interested, please contact you R egional OSHA Rep. or send an email to OSHA@NATCA.N ET requesting information. OSH I ssue R eporting If you have an OSH issue at your facility, use your normal reporting process, i.e. OCC, UCR etc. Also conta ct you NATCA Regional OSHA rep. The Regional OSH Reps work as liaisons between the lines of business. If you have a concern about something occurring at your facility, you can fill out the following form to request a member of the OSHA Committee contact you to discuss your concerns : OSHA Committee Information Request Form Committee Membership : We still have vacancies in both the Southwest and Great Lakes Regions. POC: Mike Odryna Reprisal Order has been signed: NATCA is still waiting for the agency to finalize the required train ing and publish it in ELMS .

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