A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association
Issue link: http://natca.uberflip.com/i/713778
The following e mail address and phone number can be used by anybody to report any accusations of reprisal : Email: OSHReprisalReports@FAA.GOV or by p hone: (866) 276 - 5908 POC: Mike Odryna, Domi nic Petrelli, and Nicole Vitale Standard Design Working Group for Towers Mike Odryna attended, via telecom, the Standard Design working group. This group defines standard requirements to be built into all new ATC towers. Five sub - grou ps were f ormed: Elevator Design Issues, Fire Life Safety Bus Review, Standard Plan for Down Conductors, Elevator as 2nd Means of Egress, and HPSB Issues. The groups are planning to meet f ace - to - f ace in Chicago this coming September. POC: Mike Odryna, S hannon Byrnes , Annette McKinney Regional OSHECCOMs The NATCA Air Traffic Regional Reps and Region X reps attended their respective Regional OSHE CCOM meetings throughout July. Minutes from the Regional O SHECCOM meetings can be found here : OSHECCOM KSN Site Fire Drill Requirement All FAA employees are required to partici pate in a fire drill annually. Ask your local management for the status of fire drills at your facility. POC: Mike Odryna Cu rrent f acility issues being worked by the committee and others : FAY: Fumes OTZ FSS: Quarters Rehab NEW: IAQ Mold FAI/ATCT: Roof Fix and repair Tower Cab Ladder FAI FSS: New Roof and HVAC Unit YNG: Roof Replacement Alaska FSS: OTZ Housing/FAI HVAC - ROOF R eplacement ARR Overall Facility Condition GRR: Odor, ASR Contamination PHF: Mold/IAQ Great Lakes Regional Office: Asbestos/Construction KET FSS - FSS Facility Rehab NWM Regional Office: Water Quality Issues: New Regional Office Build New NWM Regional Offi ce Design ANC ATCT: IAQ Article 53 Investigation SGF Mold/IAQ DSM SSC Office: Comprehensive Mold Evaluation ZAN: Seismic Upgrade ANC ZAN - Seismic upgrade FSM: Water Intrusion, IAQ PHL: Water Intrusion, Mold SGF ATCT: HVAC Project GTF: Mold TPA: Tower glass replacement STL Tower: Elevator NWM Regional Office: Water Testing Mansfield Tower: Water, Security, FLS ZAN: Drinking Water Issues TIME BASED FLOW MANAGEMENT (TBFM): Eric Owens (I90) is the Article 48 Representative for TBFM. His report to the membership is below. The week of July 11, 2016, TBFM Ops Team members were at ZKC for a GIM - s kickoff meeting and shadowing. We also had members at MITRE for a Path Stretch Demonstration. The members at the Path Stretch demo stated that they like the conce pt