A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association
Issue link: http://natca.uberflip.com/i/713778
presen ted as an improvement to TBFM. However, there are CHI is sues that need to be resolved. Our planned events for the week of July 18th were delayed due to SWAP season. The week of July 25th, a couple of Ops Team members and I attended a Terminal Spac ing and Sequencing - Interval Manageme nt (TSAS - IM) meeting at MITRE. This meeting was the second of three planned meetings to ge t this effort ready for HITLs. The presentation at this event was much better than the last activity about two months ago. The obj ective is to evaluate whether interval management can be used as an enhanceme nt and/or in addition to TSAS. We are planning on having t he third event in October 2016. In addition, we attended a TSAS meeting at Engility to work on TBFM command and control i ssues that are likely to become an issue when the TRACONs begin using the TBF M schedule in support of TSAS. Currently, the Program Office has a requirement that TSAS tools need to be available for fifty aircr aft in the TRACON environment. We have told the Program Office that 50 is not enough. We are still working this issue. We are also having further discussions about where the TSAS tools are visibl e to the receiving controller. We would like the tools to be available when the handoff is initiated from the center to the TRACON. However, we are being told that the tools may not be available until the aircraft reaches the meter fix, which is ju st outside the TRACON boundary. We are still trying to resolve this issue also. TERMINAL AUTOMATION MODERNIZATION RE PLACEMENT (TAMR): Aaron Rose (NCT) is the TAMR Artic le 48 Representative for NATCA. Below is the report from the TAMR Project for the past month On July 12th Mr. Rose attend ed two meetings in San Diego . Southern California TRACON (SCT) is contending with S TARs issues. Most reports from the opera tion deal with RADAR coverage. Eric Labardini (SBS Art 48) will be updating the issues in his report but there is good news coming from the NFL stadium committee and also FAA Engineering Services referenc ing a RADAR tower r a ise at Long Beach for LAX finals coverage and Wide Area Multilat (WAM) virtual RADAR. In addition to a tower raise at Long Beach, SCT will soon be receiving Naval Air Station North Island (NZY) ASR - 11 RADAR feed to improve coverage on the San Diego Lindbergh Field finals. Matt Morter (NATCA SCT) joined Mr. Rose at NZY for a meeting with Naval Air Traffic to discuss improving a utomation between SCT and NZY. NZY has never had the ability to handoff or point o ut through automation with SCT. Mr. Morter spoke with Naval OSF specialist and we have started t o move in the right direction. By changing a few parameters within STARs , NZY will receive flight plan information, which will be new and increase the efficiency of the operation at both NZY and SCT. We are discussing a path forward for automated handoffs. This is an issue throughout the NAS with DoD facilities. TAMR is working an issue at Phoenix TRACON (P50) dealing with their upgrade t o G4 processors. The facility has to add two power junction boxes, b ut that req uires a shut down of equipment. Every Thursday a telcon is held to discuss the availability of equipment that will keep both the TRACON and Tower operating. I am happy to report we have a way forward where both facilities will receive RADAR and co mmunications during the outage. Coordination is still ongoing in reference to dates but a huge hurdle has been overcome. Thank you Jimmie White (NATCA PHL) for staying on top of thi s issue. Congratulations to Tallahassee (TLH) and Fairbanks (FAI) for the ir Init ial Operating Condition (IOC). Bot h facilities are now using STARS . Welcome to the family. I would like to point out the incredible flexibility of all NATCA Brothers and Si sters in the