A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association
Issue link: http://natca.uberflip.com/i/713778
LABOR RELATIONS DEPARTMENT LR REPRESENTS NATCA IN FLRA HEARING From August 2, 2016 through Au gust 4, 2016, NATCA Labor Relations represented NATCA in a hearing before the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) in Washington, D . C. The hearing involved two FLRA petitions: WA - RP - 15 - 0067 and SF - RP - 16 - 0010. NATCA filed WA - RP - 15 - 0067 in September of 2 015 seeking to represent all professional and nonprofessional employees in the Air Traffic Safety Oversight Service (AOV), Air Traffic Safety Operations Oversight Division (AOV - 200). The FAA filed SF - RP - 16 - 0010 in December of 2015 seeking to clarify ASFCME 's headquarters unit. The FLRA requested that the two petitions be consolidated because the Agency alleged that the AOV - 200 employees are headquarters employees that fall under AFSCME's certification. The Agency also alleged that the AOV - 200 employees wer e excluded from bargaining unit eligibility under ยง 7112(b) of the Statute. During the hearing, NATCA presented testimony from three AOV - 200 employees regarding their job duties and their interaction with AOV components located in Washington, D . C. Post - hea ring briefs are currently due to be filed on September 6, 2016. POCs: NOC Chairman John Bratcher, NOC Eastern Region Representative Torrey Reich, Special Counsel to the President Eugene Freedman, Director of Labor Relations Ryan Smith, and Assistant Direct or o f Labor Relations Nicole Vitale. BRIEFING REQUESTS On August 9, 2016 , NATCA requested a briefing on Human Resource Policy Manual (HRPM), Volume 4: Employee Relations Policy ER - 4.5, FAA Procedures for Dis ciplinary and Adverse Actions. We are currently waiting for a response from th e Agency regarding our request. POCs: Assistant Director of Labor Relations Erina Hammond and Labor Relations Coordinator Kendal Manson . On August 3, 2016, NATCA requested a briefing on the FAA Computer Life C ycle Management ( LCM) Program. We are currently in the process of scheduling this briefing. POCs: Labor Relations Representative Melinda Kim and Labor Relations Coordinator Kendal Manson . On August 3, 2016 , NATCA requested a briefing on Human Resource Policy Manual (HRPM) 8 .20, Family Medical Leave Act. We are currently waiting for a response form th e Agency regarding our request. POCs: Assistant Director of Labor Relations Erina Hammond and Labor Relations Coordinator Kendal Manson . On August 2, 2016 , NATCA requested a br iefing on the Boston Medic al Field Office (MFO) closure. We are currently waiting for a response from the Agency regarding our request. POCs: Labor Relations Attorney Suzanne DeFelice, Labor Relations Representative Melinda Kim, and Labor Relations Coordin ator Kendal Manson . SURVEYS NATCA recently became aware of the Agency's distribution of th e 2016 Merit Principle Survey. The NATCA National Office has not received proper notification of this survey. On August 8, 2016, NATCA sent a letter to the Agency re questing it immediately cease and desist from any further dissemination of this survey.