NATCA Bookshelf

RVA Contract - June 1, 2011 (searchable)

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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11 Section 1. The parties recognize management's right to meet with employee(s) without union representation. If during the course of a meeting it becomes apparent for the first time that a discipline or potential discipline could arise, the Employer shall stop and reschedule the meeting following advanced notice to the Union and the employee(s), so that the employee may obtain union representation. When it is known in advance that the subject of the meeting is to discuss or investigate a disciplinary or potential disciplinary situation, the Employer shall notify the employee and the Union in advance. Section 2. The Facility Manager will only deal with the Facility Representative concerning matters affecting working conditions, unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties. Section 3. By mutual consent, including that of the employee(s) in the case of Section 1, discussions under this Article may be accomplished by telephone. ARTICLE 7 CHANGES IN WORKING CONDITIONS Section 1. It is mutually understood that there is no intent on the part of the Union to dictate the business policies of the Employer. Whenever the employer contemplates a change in policy affecting the terms and working conditions of bargaining unit employees, the Employer shall notify the Union at the appropriate level (30) days in advance of the change or as soon as practicable. Within ten (10) days of the notification, the Employer shall meet with the union representative to discuss the proposed change. Within the ten (10) day window, the parties agree to meet in collaboration to reach an agreement on the proposed change. If the parties cannot reach agreement, the issue will be elevated to RVA Corporate and NATCA Headquarters. The union shall have ten (10) days to request a meeting to discuss the elevated issue. If requested by the Union, the employer shall enter into negotiations over the proposed change in accordance with the National Labor Relations Act as amended. ARTICLE 8 INFORMAL PROBLEM SOLVING Section 1. The Parties recognize that the traditional methods of dispute resolution (e.g. grievance/arbitration and unfair labor practice charges) are not always the most efficient means of problem resolution. The Parties also recognize that early, open exchange regarding any complaint/problem/concern at the earliest stages reduces the use of and need for traditional and more cumbersome, adversarial dispute resolution procedures. Therefore, the Parties agree to use the provision of this Article to the fullest extent possible before resorting to other avenues of dispute resolution. Section 2. The following procedure shall apply to informal problem solving: a. When a complaint/problem/concern arises, the employee, Union or

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