NATCA Bookshelf

RVA Contract - June 1, 2011 (searchable)

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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29 Section 2: Employees may annually carry over a total balance of up to 80 hours of vacation leave, unless the employee is entitled, in accordance with Article 34, Section 1, to accrue additional weeks of vacation leave per year, in which case the limit shall be the same as the accrual. During the pay period immediately following each employee's annual anniversary date of employment, any vested vacation leave hours in excess of the carryover limit will be cashed out and paid to the employee. Employees with a leave balance in excess of the carry-over limit on the date this CBA is executed will have up to twelve (12) months to use the excess hours of vacation leave. Section 3. Normally, employees are guaranteed the opportunity to take at least two consecutive weeks of vacation leave during the year. Section 4. The Employer established policy concerning vacation leave transfer during periods of illness shall be continued. Employees have the option of transferring earned vacation hours to co-workers under certain circumstances. In the event of a prolonged illness (two weeks or more) of an employee, co-workers can elect to transfer earned vacation leave to his/her account for use during the illness pursuant to these guidelines: 1. The vacation leave will be transferred on an hour-by-hour basis, regardless of differences in DOL or other established rates of pay. 2. The donee (employee receiving the leave) must have already exhausted all of his/her vacation and sick leave. 3. The donor (employee giving the leave) may not donate leave to his/her supervisors; i.e. a person working as an ATC may not donate leave to his AATM, ATM, or Area Manager. 4. There are NO provisions to donate sick leave; i.e. sick leave cannot be donated. 5. Leave can be donated only to approved recipients listed on a Leave Transfer Bulletin. 6. The donee must be expected to be off from work for two weeks or more, due to illness, injury or surgery. 7. Both the donor and the donee must have been employed by RVA for a period ofone year or more. 8. This is a completely voluntary program. There are no requirements for any employee to participate by donating any of his/her vacation leave. Section 5. Except for extraordinary circumstances, eligible employees shall be authorized the use of all vacation leave earned. Section 6. The Facility Manager and the Facility Representative will cooperate to ensure that employees are permitted to take vacation leave of their choice to the extent possible. To achieve that end, the following procedures will determine leave schedules. 1. Prime vacation leave (annual leave) is bid by seniority during one bid period

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