NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: October 5, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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correcting a loophole in The Wounded Warrior Act. GA worked closely with Sen. Hirono and Commerce committee staff on this bill. BUSY LAME DUCK SESSION COULD BRING ANOTHER SHUTDOWN THREAT : A "lame duck Congress" describes the period between the November elections and the beginning of the new Congres sional session in January. Congress is scheduled to come back into session on Nov . 14, at which point we expect them to be in session on - and - off until the holidays. As mentioned earlier, Congress will need to pass another funding bill before the new deadli ne on Dec . 9, and solving the funding issue will drive the lame duck session. The scope of a lame duck Congress also depends on which presidential nominee is elected. Besides a new spending plan, lawmakers could address a host of issues, including biomedi cal measures, the defense authorization, campaign finance fights, a criminal justice overhaul, an energy policy conference, LGBT rights, a Supreme Court nomination and even a revamp of alcohol taxes. The closer the lame duck session gets to December 9, the more coverage you will hear about another potential government shutdown. GA is working with members and staff to ensure they recognize the negative affects a shutdown has on the NAS. LOOKING AHEAD TO 115TH CONGRESS : The new 115th Congress will convene at the beginning of January with a new President in the White House. We expect many new members of Congress will be elected to the House and Senate following the November elections, so it will be important to introduce them to NATCA's issues as early as poss ible. GA is preparing material for visits to new members' offices on the first day they are sworn in.

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