NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: February 8, 2017

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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NASA ATD - 1 Flight Demo started the end of January at Moses Lake. Operations to cont inue till the end of February. Preliminary indications appear positive. Merging and Spacing workgroup scheduled to meet in PHX to discuss Pro posed M&S Operation in Phoenix , as well as approaches for Controller to Know Which Aircraft Are M&S Equipped/ Have Trained Crews . Advanced Surveillance - Enhanced Procedural Separation (ASEPS) ASEPS continues to explore a reduced oceanic separation standar d. This may be supported by Space Based ADS - B (SBA) or with changes to ADS - C, currently used in ATOP. In any environment, including oceanic, separation standards are closely tied to the combined performance of Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance (CNS). While SBA represents are dramatic change in surveillance, little is changing in the ability to communicate with aircraft. To date, the Agency has stated that communication is "out o f scope" for the ASEPS effort. Reducing separation standards with out a change in communication affects response times and much more. NATCA ATOP SMEs have also weighed in during our SRMPs that ADS - C backup is desired even with the introduction of SBA. A third SRMP was held Nov . 29 to Dec . 1 that included NATCA repre sentat ives from all ATOP facil ities. The previously identified 12 hazards were given initial and final rankings based upon mitigations identified by the Panel. NATCA and other SMEs continue to identify enhanced oceanic communications as a necessary mitig ati on for the hazards identified. Without enhanced communication, the overall success of the ASEPS remains in question. Currently, the ASEPS project is focusing on HITL development. NATCA SMEs have weighed in that unique scenarios need to be developed f or each facility, contrary to the Agency's current approach. ASDE - X Tech Refresh: Efforts to update the final Baseline training course for this system are currently underway. The team recently completed a trip to OKC to test and review the latest batch of system enhancements. Deployment should start mid to late summer at the latest. ASSC: Field Familiarization starts in CLE the week of February 6th. IOC for CLE is scheduled for the weekend of March 24th. ORD (Operational Readiness Decision) should be decid ed in the month of March as well. There are currently no issues that would affect a positive outcome. 90% design reviews will be taking place in MSY, PIT and ANC in the upcoming weeks. ERAM Fusion Coordination has begun on a Track Based Display Mode (TBDM ) SRM Panel planned for March 14 - 16 at Seattle Center. NATCA participants have been identified and submitted to FAA LR. The goal of TBDM is to allow expanded use of 3NM separation below FL230. This includes supporting 3NM separation with ADS - B.

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