NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: September 26, 2017

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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GOVERNM ENT AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT CONGRESSIONAL SCHEDULE The House and Senate are in session for the week of Sept. 25. With only a few days left in the month, Congress needs to pass an extension for the FAA reauthorization by Sept. 30 in order to avoid a partial shu tdown at the Agency. EXTENSION NEEDED FOR FAA REAUTHORIZATION This week, Congress is scheduled to consider an extension for the FAA, since Congress only has until Sept. 30 to reauthorize the FAA. The extension under consideration would last for six month s and includes non - FAA related measures, including tax relief for victims of the recent hurricanes, as well as other measures relating to taxes, flood insurance, and Medicare. ATC Reform : The FAA extension inevitably puts House Transportation & Infrastru cture (T&I) Chairman Bill Shuster's proposal to reform air traffic control on hold, however lawmakers in the House may consider the legislation in October. Background : While both the House and Senate have passed legislation through their respective commit tees of jurisdiction (H.R. 2997 and S. 1405), neither has been brought to the floor for consideration, making the extension necessary. See below for more background on FAA reauthorization. NATCA Impact : NATCA has played a critical role with Congress in t he FAA Reauthorization process. We've continued to work with Chairman Shuster and Ranking Member DeFazio's respective staff, as well as with the U.S. Senate and executive branch, to ensure that our priorities are addressed in any FAA Reauthorization legisl ation. NATCA HOSTING ROLLING LOBBY WEEKS ON SSA ANNUITY NATCA hosted its third consecutive week of rolling lobby weeks where NATCAvists visited Congressional offices to educate members of Congress about the social security (SSA) annuity supplemental . Wh en the activ i sts are in Washington, D.C. each day starts with a briefing from the Government Affairs department on the issue. See below for more background on the topic. Background : The House FY 18 Republican budget resolution (see more below) contains i nstructions directing House committees to reduce federal spending. Specifically, the proposal includes elimination of the SSA annuity as a way to save money. Retirees receive t he annuity from the time they retire until it automatically terminates the year they become eligible to receive SSA payments. Activist Updates : NATCAvists from all over the country have held over 400 meetings in the House and Senate to discuss the SSA Annuity issue. Our activists have done an outstanding job of educating members on this. With one more week to go, activists will continue to meet with as many offices as possible. FY 18 BUDGET PROPOSALS Congressional "budget resolutions" set a tax and spending framework for Congress to enact annual appropriations bills. This year, Rep ublicans are eager to get a Fiscal Year 2018 (FY 18) budget resolution passed this fall in order to lay the groundwork for their

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