NATCA Bookshelf

2023 NATCA Constitution

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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S T A N D I N G R U L E S 18 or company requesting access to NATCA email addresses for mass mailing will require NEB approval and shall be coordinated and implemented through the Information Technology Committee. SRE-4 Removal from NATCA Communications Vehicles (9/10, 12/21) NATCA members who accept non-bargaining unit, supervisory or management positions may experience a conflict of interest between the union's goals and the FAA's goals. As a result, the following procedure is implemented for discontinuing access to the union's communications vehicles for members who accept non-unit, supervisory or management positions during the period between their acceptance of the position and their departure from the unit: a. Removed immediately: Listserv owner, grievance tracking software access, Website administrator (local/regional/ private member website, etc.), NATCA voice mail account, membership database administrator. b. Removed at discretion of listserv owner: Listserv participant. c. Removed when status changes to terminated member: mGATS access, members-only website access, NATCA email address, member portal access, NATCA publications recipient; members-only social media account access. SRE-5 Video and Image Use (9/10) Any video or still image used in national meetings shall be, to the extent possible, of union companies or products, or at a minimum those of American companies or products. SRE-6 Deleted (12/21) SRE-7 Terms and Conditions of Use For NATCA Databases, Web, and Social Media Sites (12/21) NATCA shall maintain a policy establishing term and conditions of use for NATCA's databases, web, and social media sites and shall list these terms and conditions on the NATCA web site. This policy shall be maintained under rules and regulations as promulgated by the National Executive Board. SRE-8 Retired Member Communications Rules and Regulations (12/21) Upon retirement of an active NATCA member, those who wish to maintain access to NATCA member communications and NATCA communications assets shall have 90 days to submit an application to become a Retired Member. Individuals who fail to join as a retired member within the 90 day time frame will have their access terminated. The Information Technology Committee shall remove non-members at regular intervals, no less frequent than every quarter. SECTION F: FINANCE See also: SRD-1, SRD-7, SRD-8, and SRD-10 SRF-1 Financial Bonding of NATCA Locals (9/02, 9/10, 9/16) On an annual basis, NATCA National will pay the premium for a dishonesty bond of appropriate coverage for each NATCA Local with annual total receipts and/or total assets in excess of $5,000. The Executive Vice President will make the decision of whether a NATCA Local has annual total receipts and/or total assets in excess of $5,000 by reviewing the financial report filed by each NATCA Local for the previous fiscal year. At least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the bonds, the Executive Vice President will disseminate a list of all NATCA Locals for which a dishonesty bond will be purchased. SRF-2 Association Indebtedness (12/90) No further indebtedness of any kind shall be solicited or accepted by NATCA National. This proposal is not meant to inhibit or in any way curtail normal NATCA National Office management (e.g., office maintenance contracts, etc.). Exigent circumstances requiring the negotiation of additional debt between NATCA and any entity shall require an emergency NATCA National Executive Board meeting and consequently require the approval of the NATCA National Executive Board. SRF-3 Budget Expenditure Restrictions (11/97, 4/06) National Executive Board approval is required before any region, department, or committee receives funding over its annual budgeted amount. Funds allocated may only be used to support the mission or purpose of the region, department, or committee for which they have been allocated. No funds may be transferred from the budget of one region, department, or committee to another without the approval of the National Executive Board.

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